I’m sorry that you have to put up with assholes such as these.
I’m sorry that you have to put up with assholes such as these.
Anyone else like that Angela is wearing pants and what look like practical shoes?
I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.
Here’s the deal: yes, I did vote for Trump
Depends on the baby. I guess they didn’t want to get into “by the way, your baby may in fact scramble around for hours on end like a crazed racoon stuck in a recycling bin.”
That’s awesome! First person to win a Grand Slam while pregnant! GOAT. Take that, Roger.
I look more pregnant 3 months post-partum than she does at 20 weeks along. Let me go eat another brownie in despair and further compound this problem...
That’s what’s so maddening about this “Hire American” thing, it just means “hire what we define as American, definition TBA.” My parents came here on a work visa for a professional position (my dad is a phd). Believe me, no employer prefers the complex paperwork of hiring a foreign national or immigrant, so if they’re…
I remember that. Charles did go to the hospital, but after the doctors said William would be OK but had to stay overnight for observation, Charles left to attend some sort of charity event or something while Diana stayed overnight.
I read something linked from here that Charles’s main communication with his father was via letters, and that he misunderstood a letter from Phillip as a command to propose to Diana. I’m sure Charles received reports on his sons and left it at that.
Both atlrticles are right, tho. You have your subset of Trump supporter that is your everyday down the line -R voter who will support him so long as he isn’t a -D: older, wealthier white folks. And you have the other half (deplorables, if you will): the conspiracy breeding alt-right, Nazi white supremacist…
I had a boss try and convince me that the CIA have the ability to listen in on any conversations anywhere using cell phones. Even if those phones are turned off.
I’m HOH, so much that living in the hearing world is so difficult sometimes that I don’t want to get out of bed. I was mainstreamed to read lips only. No sign. Thanks parents and teachers! I was raised to please your hearing world. I am sitting here with tears streaming down my eyes right now reading some of the…
I don’t feel bad for them, but I don’t feel good about any of it either.
I feel bad for him. But her? Screw that. She should have listened to him more carefully, or, you know, not drunk the Kool-Aid and done some research. The only good thing to come of this is that maybe, just maybe, people like this will turn on him in 2020.
God - now I want to watch this again. Saved was basically my entire fucking childhood. My family was in a VERY fundamentalist sect. Look up ATI and Gothard if you ever want to go down that rabbit hole.
They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.
Well, whaddya know. Water-based, non-toxic — it is a lot like food coloring! This is neat. Thanks for the info, kentuckienne!
That is adorable. The little grand baby looks so happy :)