
With respect, I don’t think we should even mention his psychological state.

(joke about how the women in the choir are dressed like the Wives from The Handmaid’s Tale)

I’ll just go ahead and RSVP now. My hubby and in-laws don’t understand why I’m not enraptured by the magic of Christmas. The holiday is forever tainted with memories of me as an awkward-ass tween and my parents awkward-ass faking it for the kids, followed by an awkward-ass divorce. I’ll drink to that!

A pastor in California is part of a faction of Christians upset about Octavia Spencer’s role as God in the movie adaptation of William P. Young’s controversial 2007 novel The Shack. Spencer is black, you see, and God is a white man.

They said they didn’t think he’d really do it. So you voted for him on the off chance he wouldn’t do what he said he would. Smart move. He’s also not bringing back coal jobs but good luck treating that black lung.

Nah, they were rescuing Trump, not the country.

In the 1970s, according New York Timesobituary for Heimlich, choking on food or foreign objects was the sixth-leading cause of accidental death in America, resulting in 4,000 deaths annually. In those days, the American Red Cross advised treating choking victims with “a couple of hard slaps on the back or a finger

He was ninety-six, had a good life, and didn’t die ironically. Not too bad.

I know what I did: played with my sister’s whenever she left the house.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Let’s lay off Lena Dunham and the “moving to Canada” crowd a little. I am very, extremely aware that if my husband’s grandfather hadn’t said “Fuck this, I’m out” after Hitler was elected in 1933, his family wouldn’t exist.

There are a TON of people like this that have to continually push their progressive and oh so diverse street cred. It’s like an Internet comments section: “As the mother of a queer, gender nonconforming, autistic kid with disabilities...”, “as someone who is 1/8 Native American and half Tibetan...”, “As someone who is

I thought for sure he was going to say golf.

They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

He is at fault. Let us never doubt this nor underestimate his evil. Sharon was taken from us by his sheer awfulness.

This is not a “protest”, it’s a statement!”

I don’t know what you think you did, but me and mine don’t deserve any of this. And neither did those who threw away their votes in protest, even if they don’t realize it yet. Make it right in 2018 y’all. Quick question to all of us professionals and business owners: what are you going to do with your inevitable

Amen! You nailed it. I grew up in a mixed rural/suburban county in Ohio that went heavily to Trump. I would like to add that progressives who pen hand-wringing missives about needing to “get out of our bubble” and understand these voters should SHUT THE FUCK UP. The reason there are urban blue islands is in part