
Can we please be specific about which white women are fucking us over? Because once you break it down by religious affiliation, “non-evangelical whites flipped from a +62-point Republican vote in 2008 to +29 points for Jones today, while evangelical whites still voted for Moore by 62 points.” (

“director of global kids content”, because of course he was.

Everything... does not suck quite as much this morning? What is this strange new feeling?

No way Trump wrote that tweet. It’s far too coherent.

For Mrs. Claus, maybe.

I didn’t realize Harry is also losing his hair, albeit later than William did. That gene is strong.

Or Lin-Manuel Miranda!

The speed with which he was fired makes me think that the accusation is a) extremely detailed and well-documented and b) extremely serious.

Yeah, he may very well have made it up as a cautionary tale to us youngsters — never go back into a burning building!

Yeah, the panic bar was proposed after the Iroquis fire, but it wasn’t really required in the US until the Collingwood school fire a few years later. Even when an idea is so self-evidently useful, people balk at spending money on something you hope you’ll never need.

I am terrified of fire, and that has led me to be weirdly fascinated by disasters like Cocoanut Grove. Lots of common architectural and design features are the result of catastrophic fires; for example, clearly marked “EXIT” signs, exterior doors that open outward instead of inward, and “panic bars” that open doors

It’s breathtaking to me how much money, time and effort Harvey Weinstein spent so that he could keep assaulting women without consequence, and how many people were happy to help him.

Look, I grew up in the country, I can identify the tracks of various animals, I have fixed a barbed wire fence. But I do not find any of those things sexy when tattooed on a man’s forearm. HARD PASS.

Thanks, Australia, for news that doesn’t suck!

I can only assume that Penn — I mean, his character — will have a relationship with an attractive woman half his age who helps him find meaning in his life again, all while asking nothing of him in return.

He looks like a hairy potato, or a partially shaved kiwi. Gwen Stefani can have him.

Yeah. I really want to think it was an off-moment in an otherwise okay life, but you just never know, do you?

Am I wrong to think that this would only guarantee the end of his campaign if he’d been accused of sexual misconduct with teenage boys? I’m afraid his voters will just brush off any accusations about teenage girls.

As pushback on the notion that no one would get this angry over their lawn; a family friend of mine was shot multiple times and killed by his elderly neighbor while mowing his lawn. They had a long-standing dispute over their property line. And yes, this was in Kentucky.

While not particularly religious myself, I love and respect many Christians among my friends and family. That said, there’s something about this that rubbed me the wrong way: