You can see some of Kadija Saye’s work here: scroll left for more of her posts. She had an amazing eye.
You can see some of Kadija Saye’s work here: scroll left for more of her posts. She had an amazing eye.
Just out of curiosity: Is the Sun-Times the “conservative” paper in Chicago? Like the Boston Herald or the NY Post? Because she certainly seems to be writing for a “Fox News” audience.
Having taken classes to convert to Judaism (though I haven’t done so yet, and may not) I can confirm that circumcision as an adult is no joke and involves multiple stitches and a lengthy recovery period. I would... be surprised if anyone did it for a fad like celebrity Kabbalah, but it’s not like I know Guy Ritchie,…
The Free Market at work!
How long does it take to send someone to Mars again?
I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out that the Trumps eat pediatric cancer patients for breakfast.
He is a piece of work in many ways; among other things, he owes $140k in child support to his second ex-wife. Per wikipedia: “Higgins and his second wife, Rosemary “Stormy” Rothkamm Hambrice, have three children. They divorced in 1999. During the runoff campaign, a lawsuit was filed against Higgins seeking unpaid…
I’m fine with this. (Also, the header pic is of Harvard Business School, which is across the river and a separate entity from Harvard College, the undergraduate institution.)
I googled Lynda Carter’s costume. It’s red white and blue, and there are white stars on a blue background, but it’s not like she’s wrapped in the American flag. She could just as easily be repping Australia.
Right. There is probably not much overlap between “people who read Goop and take it seriously” and “people who actually have heavy metal poisoning,” now that I think about it.
Morgellons! I don’t believe in it, but man, it freaks me out just the same. The Mayo Clinic even has a page on it:
Gwenyth Paltrow; a grown-up Regina George.
Yes! It’s almost like they care only about being excluded themselves, not whether anyone else is kept out.
Yeah, my dad (also dead, also quite troubled) clicked on one of those “Sexy Russian women are waiting to talk to you!” links and fucked up his whole computer with viruses and malware. I was just grateful that he didn’t get sucked into something worse. Scammers of every variety suck.
And yet I somehow suspect that this guy would have no problem with a men-only screening of The 300, or some other silly movie.
While I feel awful about the jobs that will inevitably lost, I hate the typical suburban mall and look forward to its death. Give me online shopping, where there are no packs of aimlessly roaming pre-teens to give me traumatic flashbacks to middle school.
Too true -- In college, I wrote a paper on wells in Bangladesh that were contaminated with arsenic. I remain suspicious that GOOP has any good suggestions, though.
I follow her on twitter! She is amazeballs.
An actual line from goop: “If you’re plagued by issues like parasites or heavy metals, you might need a bit more than a standard clean eating protocol. Below, some advice on working through more complex problems.”
This is the best show ever. We binge-watched it after the election, and joined our local PBS station so that we could access some of the seasons that weren’t available on Netflix. It’s a lovely cross-section of British society -- bus drivers and ladies in hijab and crotchety Scotsmen and builders, all working…