The New York Times had an interesting if somewhat self-indulgent piece about artifacts from the Franklin Expedition in May:
The New York Times had an interesting if somewhat self-indulgent piece about artifacts from the Franklin Expedition in May:
Time to dust off my “I’m so sorry for Kentucky’s elected officials” apology, I see. In my own defense, I got the hell out when I was 18. My mom is still there fighting the good if futile fight against Bevin, McConnell and Paul.
Based on his face, he can no longer afford cocaine.
Other things that are sexist towards men, per this logic:
They’re only complaining because they know she’s right, and there’s nothing they can do about it.
Well, he cut his brother’s children out of his father’s will and reneged on a promise to pay for the medical care of his nephew’s sick baby:
I don’t see how the “he’s not a bigot, he just says bigoted things” argument even works — isn’t it even worse if he’s such a cynic that he’ll appeal to people’s worst possible instincts to get elected?
There was this lovely case last year in Boston; when asked about it, Trump said only that his followers were “passionate”.
My mom caught the measles and mumps at the SAME TIME when she was a child. Her description of that experience was enough to make me grateful to grow up with vaccines, and to get my own child vaccinated.
a.) As an alum, I’m both sickened and not surprised by Harvard’s institutional failure here. For all of its many strengths as a research university, it wasn’t great at providing many services - academic, social, medical or psychological - to undergraduate students when I was there 15 years ago. The prevailing attitude…
Sigh. I recently learned that the phrase “America, right or wrong” has a second clause: “If right, to be kept right; if wrong, to be set right.” It’s a quote by Carl Schurz, a German immigrant who served both as a U.S. Senator and a general in the U.S. Army during the Civil War.
“Though she received a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and a law degree, published over twenty books and had a vibrant career as a speaker and activist, Schlafly rejected the idea that most women should be anything more than homemakers.”
I’m a blue-eyed WASP who took a nice Jewish boy off of the market. Our child has white-blond hair and blue eyes. We call him our Aryan nation baby. White genocide for the win!
I know, right?
I hadn’t either, but it’s the only explanation that makes sense to me at this point. The stakes are so high for him, and prevention so easy — i.e., stop sexting Donald Trump and NRA supporters — that I can only assume he’s doing it on purpose.
Public shaming is a hell of a kink.
They should just feed any internet comment section into a random word generator and broadcast the results through a jack-0'-lantern’s mouth.
She looks like she’s taking it very seriously. Good for her.