Kenton Campbell

That wealth is in doubt . He has a buliding here in NYC that's become an albatross for his family , hence the back channels so he can secretly speak with the Russian banks to lowering sanctions so he can get loans to pay off the ENORMOUS loan markers for next three years…

I'm so a blerd. The useful(less?) information that permeates through my medulla oblongata leads people to call me " That and a Quarter."

Bugged the hell out of me

I loved how Jost kept the Leslie/Mooney sketch going by coming out on crutches at the closing .

Actually Coulson couldn't hide it much longer , May caught it but they got "interrupted."

Ugh . I read this and feel like he wrote you because Jane Goodall didn't back to him. Even irked me he wrote "Brothas" ( I know , I know, but still, fuck that) can hear him say it ( among other words ) . Here's your advice at your new JOB :
1. Be on time
2. Don't take long breaks

Why…. THE FUCK you need a RIFLE to break up a party ? What ever happened to just showing up to a house party and you see the lights and instantly " party done !" Or " Who is the owner of this home?" No this was target practice . For you to take your RIFLE out of the squad car , you had every intention of pulling that

The high five at the Neo Nazi metal party … I just lost it!

Had to Netflix on punishment for Iron Fist, but this was soooo good. Every character was fleshed out, then layers upon layers…

There are two people in Hollywood I always felt bad for : Michael Chong ( Tank ) from the Matrix (never demand a pay raise for genre changing movie series) and JaRule for being the only actor from the 347 Fast / Furious movies that couldn't keep that gig.

Last Fuckable Day. You think fella talking this smack when she was 20? 30 ? 40? But turn 50 and and put on a hajib ???

It seems ever she got pregnant and it became her "LFD" it's okay to drag her. Ridiculous .

She got in that car so he wouldn't kill her in front of the kids.

When Oliver says "Melanie" it was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time .

Do people not understand what "playing possum" actually mea- Sigh, they are just gonna do what they're going to do…

Even the wig game was tight!

You're nuts.

He better watch it with Taylor . And having a conscience shit will not work there . The red flag for me is not asking why Wendy was there . Goes both ways .

Took the words right out of my typing finger…