Kenton Campbell

I hope your taste for Trump blood on Weekend Update has been finally sated since you have mentioned it EVERY WEEK since he hosted. You're like Guliani with the " Noun, verb, 9/11". He hosted . It's over. Let it go. Now, W.U. was so good I kinda wished they had the entire segment to themselves… Trump hosted (It's like

I didn't want this episode to end. Being in sales , watching the mgr show just how easy it is to sell anything, saying their goals out loud (and believe me they write that down and remind you all the time what you said) to see that knowing nothing is changed in sales is just amazing .

I just get the feeling that Denzel (Fuckboy God- I used to hang out at Nells) Washington is giving him some shitty advice.

Micheal Che didn't say "nigger" so let's get that out of the way.

So we should all get adorable pit bulls . I mean that's worked out so well before…

You know her husband was the other person in helicopter, right?

" … Make sure the name is spelled correctly ". You wouldn't want it to be spelled Harndon ( say it out loud).

About that contract…

Look up that contract . It is the laughingstock of the NFL

Funny think is he got the blikety black version of an NFL quarterback salary. For the sake of the team. Look it up. It is by far the worst contract ever given to a man with $114 million attached to it. Get 'em Cap. F that " Slave Patrol" anthem .

I. KNOW. TIME. Grandmaster Flash reminded me of Larry Levan (Genius Of Time) although Larry never needed a crayon ;) .

Well except for Gabby Douglas , Parent Lee she's a communist for not putting her hand over her heart. I'll tell you this much, I bet she knows for damn sure where to put her hands when she gets pulled over when she comes back …

After watching the " Off the Wall " doc and his reasons for making Thiller I can't agree. Besides MJ had all the input in his songs. This is really about MJ vs. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. I just picture Janet's input, " Can I laugh here at the end of this song? Can I say "Stoooooop and you guuuys " the end of this

Damn he proved me wrong like a mutha. Gonna miss this Family…

EXACTLY. The timing is what kills me. They waited till most of the black speakers went on at the DNC convention. I feel like they assume that the "have a beer" President won't rock the boat tonight . I will be watching , hoping he proves me wrong .

I love how they paraded those poor grieving Mothers on stage only to let them wake up the next morning to grieve all over again

… To keep my clothes on.

Honestly they won't even let money loose for the Zika virus. Just wait till a white American Olympic woman births a big head baby and what happens…

Couple of the things ( nerd alert ), the reason Lyanna Stark bled out because she isn't a Targareyan woman, not built to birth those kids with the scales and all , you know the same way Tyrion's Mom bit it . Another thing , minor thing , Jon Snow is not Sansa's brother so… Turn off the lights , Winter's here …

The irony of Franklin ( That's the name I'M giving him (really Shultz?) ) diving on a DIVING BOARD…. I never understood why public parks would build diving boards and you're not allowed to dive, I mean you're just begging for insurrection…..