Seems like PWH (Winnebago) to me. CP
Seems like PWH (Winnebago) to me. CP
Hey I have an idea. Let's send them about 10,000 housecats to turn loose and in turn they will hunt down the mice. Then the birds will be totally safe. No wait...
Great response. Sherman tank FTW.
For me a 1966 or 1967 Buick Riviera . I saw a large chunk of the USA from the back seat of one of these as a child. I remember looking over my fathers shoulder and seeing the speedo hovering around the century mark on freeway stretches. Good times.
I am happy. I also suggested #4 Supernatural.
Not my glass of soft drink. CP
I agree. Those long stroke sixes are a blast.
Supernatural. There always seems to be a nice mix of Detroit iron from the muscle car era and a lot of action.
Why not. NP
This would be fun! NP
I agree wholeheartedly.
Way too much opportunity for fiery death for my tastes. CP
I would pay a couple of hundred bucks for a Yugo that runs just for the novelty but $12.5K for eight. No way. CP
The MG Midget. My 6'5", large framed friend couldn't ride in the passenger seat of my 1974 model. His shins slammed against the glovebox. He did fit in the seat of my 1963 Sprite, however. No glovebox.
I've got the filthy part down.
I was a "bully magnet" in Jr. High School and I will admit to a little bullying myself if the rare opportunity arose. In a case of irony one of the worst bullys and I are Facebook friends and he wanted me to join some sort of group denouncing bullying in schools. Even total jerks can mature. All that being said,…
As far as Jalopnik goes I hope these words from a classic song (meet the new boss, same as the old boss) ring true. Good luck with your kick upstairs. Don't forget us mere mortal readers and commenters as you gaze down from Mount Olympus.
If I were filthy rich I would buy it just to be able to say that I own a car company.
For me it's a total CP for I have no use for it. But for a someone of the "rock crawling" ilk, it would be a NP and probably a lot of fun. CP & NP I guess. I voted CP.
Yet the U.S. is vilified for nuking Japan. Go figure. I do think the scientists should have been prosecuted.