I’m also curious about the mental gymnastics of the ACAB crowd. Should be interesting.
I’m also curious about the mental gymnastics of the ACAB crowd. Should be interesting.
The CDC did overstep its bounds by quite a lot.
Just to be clear, banning mask mandates is not the same as banning masks themselves. Students are still free to wear masks if they wish.
Most people are pro vaccination. Where they differ is they think it shouldn't be mandatory. My body my choice and all that.
If you're that scared then stay home.
It is amazing how, of the three antifa people he shot, all three were felons. Either that is a HUGE coincidence to the point where Kyle Rittenhouse should think about buying a lottery ticket OR Antifa is made up of nothing but perverts, criminals and other degenerates.
People have this idea that, if Roe were struck down, the entire nation would turn into A Handmaid’s Tale, when, in reality, it would just be up to the individual states to write thier own laws. Some states would have looser laws, while others would have stricter ones.
A virus with a 99.7% survival rate is not the death sentence you seem to think it is.
“Is Canada a dictatorship?”
Canada isn’t really a free country. Canadians are a docile and obedient people, who like being told what to do. Iconoclasts like Mad Max are the exception not the rule.
“Kyle Rittenhouse walked up to a dozen Kenosha police officers, assault rifle in hand, with crowds yelling that he had just killed innocent people”
Found the white knight
You can be favour of something, but opposed to it being mandatory. Smart people understand this.
I can’t wait for the triple-vaccinated folks to start turning on the double-vaccinated ones.
It worked out great when Rhodesia got changed to Zimbabwe.
Will there be an “I told you so” story if any of the people who attended Barry’s birthday party end up dying?
They could also step down and let people who want to actually do the job they were elected to do. They could also do that.
Blacks are less likely than whites to be vaccinated, which is understandable (Tuskeegee experiment and all that) I’m not sure you want to claim anyone who isn’t vaccinated to be “fucking stupid”
8. Blacks are less likely to be vaccinated, meaning vaccination passports will disproportionately harm them. A fact the author will no doubt blame on white supremacy or colon6or blah blah blah