
It’s crazy how easy it is for people to hate something because they don’t understand it, you must all be in America. Bitcoin is huge huge huge for countries that lack a stable currency and political leadership. Venezuela, Argentina, Zimbabwe, Russia, Korea, Japan, Australia (I know they arent all third world) all have

this is entirely true...there is a faster (transaction) version of bitcoin coming out that is split from the original coin. both will exist and anyone holding bitcoin will receive this coin called segwit2x free. I don’t care about htis new coin but i have a lot of btc so i’m enjoying the rise, in 2 weeks expect

I assume you are in America, In Russia, Australia, Japan, Korea, Argentina, there are coffee shops, stores, online retailers that all accept crypto currencies and many actually prefer it because their own currency is rampant with fraud and political abuse. do i think it will take over the world. no, do i own a

someone sounds sour....

your talking about banks right? because bitcoin isnt a special number you can just send, it needs to be verified by neutral parties, that’s more then you can say for any bank.

my ps vue is 39.99, i think it depends on region.

hmm, yeah I was...

honestly id do this, I’ll see what the details are when they bring it to nyc because parking is a bitch.

um the background bridge is complete, you drive over that now.

I frequently drive over this bridge and i’m curious, are they building another one next to the new one, or is it still going to be the same amount of lanes as the old shitty one, because traffic still sucks big time.

This was a very narrow sighted article for such a tech based publication.

scary that this sounds like a real thing.

i thought the doors open up?

Simple solution. Use waze.

none of this title make sense to

great,m y wife will love me unlocking my phone at 2am.

They paid for the cheaper model....

Like every iPhone game in existence.

Ahh. Forgot about the whole the drone trend. do you loose someone in a wide open ocean when you have a helicopter....???