
Toby also has larger hands.

I have a friend who’s daughter is about the same age and comes from a Mexican background. And she is fully aware how this election treated women and immigrants. She has a strong mother, and I know she’ll grow up to be just as smart and hard working.
If I was in the GOP, my only question would be: “Why am I doing my

Too be fair, the 7 year old is not insane.


The biggest industry for the country is registering ships. Panama is the most common country because if ship is flagged Panama, its cheaper to go through the canal. Plus there are mininum paper work and inspections. Liberia is even cheaper. It is something like 70% of the nation GDP...just paperwork fraud.

Really?? You slam that commenter for being an American and now you’re accusing them of being closed minded? After they simply asked what they’re suppose to do better? Are you serious, or just a casual misogynist?

What, he’s not going to be part of PEOTUS’ cabinet? He’s a perfect fit.

I agree. One day, people will look at Sea World the way we look at the Victorians who chained little children to factory machines.

Personal privellege? That’s a truly arrogant assumption considering you hardly know a thing about me. Do you know my salary? Could I afford groceries last week? Do I have any untreated medical conditions due to not having insurance right now? Do I even own a car? Are any of these deficits due to sacrifices I made for

But I think you’ve lost my original point, which is that its idiotic to demand wild animals suffer in captivity in the name of “social justice”, as though children who don’t get to gawk at captive orcas will suffer from some sort of bizarre mental illness.

Nah, I power it using power generated by giraffes hooked to a wheel and electric shock machine. But don’t worry, when I go back to my biology work and trail guiding I only use one abacus and the ruler I bought at a tag sale.

Long over due.

I join fellow biologists in the film in condemning Seaworld and I would urge everyone reading to avoid zoos and aquariums. Too little, too late. Real rescues that only acquire nonreleaseable wildlife should be the norm now. Want to see wild animals? Travel with a trail guide, ask to intern with a biologist or create a

I don’t engage in ridiculous hyperbole and I don’t use the word “hero” often, but you, sir, are the greatest hero in American history.

Porque no los dos?

Finally someone has done the right thing.

All these stars are yours, except Europa. Attempt no crash there.