
ok i guess progressive just means caring about human rights until the point where it is the Zionist regime abusing them since from the beginning of the settler state they have done nothing but that so dont act like Bibi is some rogue outlier. But let me ask you this what grants “Israel” the right to exist, is it the

you mean to tell me part of being a progressive is to support an ethno nationalist state formed by the violent dispossession of the indigenous population?

show me a “Progressive” that stands with Israel and i’ll show you a hypocrite

Now playing

And here is superstar Dem Cory Booker praising Devos’ group, pls remind frequently...

nope i’m saying that over the past couple decades the american govt (not people) has bloodier hands than Russia yet still pretends to be holier than thou

yes america doesn’t kidnap civilians from their homeland whisk them away to Cuba and torture them like Putin does, yes America doesn’t invade countries in the Middle East under false pretenses leading to the deaths of over 2 million people like Putin’s murderous thugs, yes America doesn’t poison its own citizens with

Bernie would have won...

its adorable how the press think that they will be spared from the clutches of the police state

unbelievable, this heefer still trying to fatten her bank account by feeding her adoring masses more worthless drivel. Only 1 sentence should be in this “Bernie would have won!”

“you sell the military short when you think they do not do good in the world.” please do tell on the good they do because recent history has just shown them accumulating dead bodies at a rapid clip

i’m not sure Madeline “500 000 Iraqi children dying is worth getting rid of Saddam” Albright should be held up as some moral beacon of light.

NATO is just another tool of imperialism, after what they did to Libya it would be sweet karma if they tasted their own medicine. Btw fuck Trump!!!