In all honesty, I am current in the process of being fired for doing the above. Although, I'm sure the advice of the authors is that if these actions get you fired, it isn't a company you want to work for. I would agree with them.
In all honesty, I am current in the process of being fired for doing the above. Although, I'm sure the advice of the authors is that if these actions get you fired, it isn't a company you want to work for. I would agree with them.
So basically the advice is to use the third grade trick of "Do your parents know you are gay?"
@buddhatooda: It was linked in a more current article. And you are still wrong.
@SimplyApplied: It seems obvious, but I think a better solution is to let Devs decide how long they want their app to be "free". Thus, devs that want to sell the sizzle instead of the steak can do so, and devs that don't want to scare people away by being high pressure can do so as well.
@Bsjskier: I agree. something like 3 or 4 hours would be a much better amount of time. 15 mins just looks like they are looking to sell the initial reaction more than the long term of the game.
@nkCow: Exactly what I was going to say. Does the anti-defamation league go out of its way to condemn all mentions of the Holocaust? Or is this just because they think video games are toys for children?
@Karlott: Nothing gets me off faster than JPGs presented in binary through glowing dust.
@buddhatooda: That's not the issue he is talking about. The problem is that the game does not render or update chunks outside of a certain distance away from the player. As a result, if a certain redstone contraption is too far away, a signal can be sent to it, but you won't get a signal back until you walk over…
@Nintendocrazed: That is how it was billed too. Preorder the game and in return for your support, you get access to the early versions.
@MrTheMoopie: In reality, you aren't "paying for the alpha". Rather the agreement specifically states that you are fully paying for a preorder of the game. You then get access to the current build which may or may not have bugs in it or incomplete features.
@zegota: Basically the issue with Minecraft is that it is completely unapproachable. You get into the game world and have absolutely no instruction as to how to do anything at all. There have been some vague comments that there needs to be a "tech tree" or some such that will both guide people early on and give…
@godot: I would agree with you if they were trying to be historically accurate about ANYTHING else. A number of Allied troops actually did end up liberating NAZI death camps. This happened in real life, why not include it in a "realistic" game.
@ataggata: Granted, and I understand I can be chartable to people's intentions very easily.
@bobdisgea4: He just does what he must because he can.
This speed run was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
@ataggata: I don't think he said that Brawl isn't art, rather I think he was saying that he considers Brawl "low art" where as previous games where "high art".
@onlysublime: Of course that's true. I didn't mean to imply otherwise. Development costs, something you didn't mention, are a huge part of the costs of a new product. However, I am saying that a knock off type made specifically for the PC could be made and sold for much less than the Kinect.
Something like this is a long time coming. First, consider how popular Jewish revenge or "Nazplotation" are. Second, consider that despite the countless numbers of video games taking place during World War 2's European front, not a single one features even a mention of a single Jewish character/person. For fear of…
If I knew there was this much money in white iPhone 4s, I would have fired up my airbrush a while back. OME replacement parts + white paint = mod kit.
@shogun_16: The issue isn't the case mod, the issue is that the parts he got may have been obtained illegally.