Kenneth Blaney

@JS_Drupal: See: Three Flyods, Stone, Dogfishhead, New Glarus... and so on.

@Taggart6: Yay! TellTale has been reading my Slash Fiction.

@RomanForest: Yeah, shouldn't he be about 23 by now?

@Stem_Sell: I need to send your pun a Deer John. Sorry, I don't mean to be a de-tractor.

@Destronok: So... real life minecraft. Hmmm

@Charliehorse: You know, they could just make a fake foot which flips open before firing or some such way that debris doesn't get jammed in there.

@neMouse: I'd rather play the Chinese knock off versions. It'll get a little bit better with each iteration and the last version's end credits will feature music from my favorite Grunge band from the late 80's to mid 90's.

@konaa: Yeah, but the devil is in the details.

@JuiceMan: Did you know they never actually planned to make a sequel with that ending?

@Squalor: Wait... there are people who really don't know that Steven Colbert is playing a part? Steven Colbert (Character) even has is own wikipedia page to distinguish him from the real person.

This only makes sense from a game design aspect if the game is rewarding a single job for leveling up other jobs as well. Similar to how the subjob thing worked in FF11, but it would need to be more robust (such as unlocking additional classes the way you did in FFT or certain skills being learned only if you have a

@Rampage: Better than that. Same character that switches jobs every 8 hours. It would likely be impossible to cap out the 8 hour limit for all of your jobs.

@R3dAc3: True... except they said 130,000 people are playing.

@mtfmuffins: We don't have enough information to solve the problem. If it cannot remove a certain kind of dust, for instance, then that kind of dust will accumulate requiring a manual cleaning. However, if it just cleans itself above a certain threshhold and then switches off below a certain threshhold then it would

@Avizzv92: And you would be shocked how much a PS3 controller modded to fit into a 360 case goes for.

@Return of DaOtter: Plus if you had 2 you could play Goldeneye with two joysticks. One would move/strafe other would look/turn. One Z-button aimed, the other fired. Both A and B buttons acted as usual.

@Batman: I want to be able to change it unreasonably too. The customization available in the controls of SOCOM was awesome in that way.