Kenneth Blaney

@Gondito: Truthfully, there is no good way to order the dimensions because, by definition they are independent. Left/Right, Up/Down, Forward/Back could each be first, second or third. Time could equally be first, second...

@rainofwalrus: Not quite the same way this particular game is dealing with the 4th dimension. Although, it is equally valid.

@Tanneseph: As something of a primer for this game which will start to break you into the idea of what a 4D hyper-cube would look like, I suggest this:

@Rashek: Well, this will probably add to your conundrum, but as you reason through it you will probably have a better understanding of physics, I present you with this:

@Salen: Yeah, the last time I heard a reference to him was in the "Pinky and the Brain" episode "Pinky Suavo".

@FreeQuebec86: No need on that 4 move set up you have there at the end. The PS3 doesn't support that many bluetooth connections.

@Krixmania: Cargos are a rare spawn apparently.

@KTope: Take my ex... please.

@bakagaijin: Short of international labor laws imposed and enforced by the UN, I don't know how exactly it could be done.

@Channing: I know, if I started posting with my real name I'd get all sorts of abuse on my facebook page.

@Methossa: I like the idea of giving people the option to pay more for the ethical versions. Not as a business decision, but as a behavior experiment.

@bakagaijin: Although I agree completely that this can be taken to the extreme VERY easily, not buying something already sitting on the shelves does have an impact. If a store realizes that brand xyz doesn't sell, they will be less likely to buy brand xyz in the future. Unfortunately, it is the middle man retailers

@KTope: The article states that people who live into their 100's tend to be disability free into their 90's. No worries about being a manplant.

@JABB: SotC is already a timeless classic. This will just make it timeless-er. Put it on one disk with ICO, give it trophies and launch it in a special edition of "The Last Guardian" and it will become the timeless-est.

@Monstercloud: The new iCondom 4 only works in certain positions. Sellers insist there is no problem.