Kenneth Blaney

@katscanne: Also factor that they said "titles" not "copies" and the idea that many of these games will be obtained well below the MSRP.

@battra92: Passover-Kosher is actually slightly different than Kosher is the rest of the year, with varying levels of observation in different Jewish communities. Many European Jews (and their American descendants) avoid corn entirely during Passover. In addition they also avoid rice and peanuts which are otherwise ok

@zupobafono001: Continuously repeating an experiment until you get the desired results is a huge criticism to levy against a researcher. In the vast majority of cases, statistical methods are used to prevent researchers from making claims from random variation in the data.

I've used this for a while. Excellent program and I swear by it for non-professionals.

@ieatsocks: Do you have a video? I'd love to see that speed run.

@malapo: Hey... it works for astronauts.

@Dethgar: This is what I was thinking when they said they "cured" it as opposed to temporarily relieved it.

I'm going to quote Tony Stark from the Iron Man movie: "Oh Wow! You're a woman? I couldn't even tell. Although I suppose that's the point."

@ubikblack: Well, I think the Flee mechanic worked really well. The forced fighting, not so much... especially considering in the first level they tell you to always run.

@johnsmith1234: The basic idea is that you can ease your cash flow by paying off smaller credit cards first. This is only useful if you are just barely making your minimums as it is because lower balance cards tend to require a larger percent minimum payment in comparison to larger balances.

@hipnotyq: My sources are as follows:

Burn Zombie Burn!

@Limeade: Its not that they need more romance as a result of guys staying home gaming. Rather more movies are geared towards women because guys are no longer a target audience.

@Vinnymike: There won't be a FF13 PS3 outside of Japan. There was an article about it a little while back.

@Veit: Yeah, that's the cliff notes version. Haha!

@bigd7387: Problem's with what you said:

Do not misunderstand me in the slightest. I very much enjoyed every Myst game and all the time I spent on Uru Live on Gametap.