PitCrew Lefties

Maybe it’s me, since I am not a baby/kid person - but I don’t understand the fascination with celebrity offspring. They bred, made an infant. So what? Not the least bit interested.

Disagree. A lot of babies look like Winston Churchill. This is a damn cute baby.

woooooo Grizzlies #teamZBO

all babies look the saaaaaaaaaame

A vagina being stretched?


Looks likes bikes or something. It also doesn’t have seats back there, which is sucky.

Lmao all I saw was the hulk busting through a wall...

i dont get it

I like how at 0:22 the dog actually sat on the baby’s head and Dad just kept filming so he could upload the video to YouTube. That is a family with priorities.

My mind went to vagina but I don’t see a vagina.

The Matrix from Transformers?

Yes, when you completely ignore his on-set conflicts with men, it totally starts looking like a pattern!

Bale’s dickishness is kind of overpushed. He’s not that bad of a guy...somewhat chewing out one dude on set is hardly that big of a deal.

Preach it, brother. Ultras are stupid too IMO.

Focus attacks are great because how many uses you get out of them. You can use them to absorb attacks and counter, cancel your specials to extend combos, or dash cancel it to bait a response.

It wasn’t that bad after they added Red Focus.

Well, I do love the brand...and my 500 is really starting to finally seem too small now that I have two kids, and goddamn the 500L is ugly. But I think I'll wait and buy one a year or so old that someone else got kicked in the balls on depreciation, just like I did on my 500. :)

Leave it to Ballmer to make it some tie in with MS Paint.