I don't know but I do know that Half Life 2, and the following episodes had me hooked for 3 days straight.
I don't know but I do know that Half Life 2, and the following episodes had me hooked for 3 days straight.
@cap-n-crunch: well he's really just focusing on Dance Central so its really sports champions that seems poor : P
@TanyaRei: I'd like to say BMD(Blu Media Disc : P), but then they still need to balance the battery.
@The_Ddevil: I couldn't agree more, hate'em.
I still don't see how gamespot/stop stays afloat when they seemingly give away games, and take in games they don't need.
@ybfelix[驻Kotaku办事处]: Smart People find exploits to there trading system, and get games for cheaper then what they'd normally go for
@SegFault: At the time though the UMD store more data then the DS at least.
@badoor: Agreed, I don't even know what all the hubbub is about this game, but some people just can't use kinects where they are living either, so having motion, and controller support should be included.
nnnnnnnooooooooooooooo It was coming out on my bday too : (
My only real question is, do you get tired?
Just realized something, Megaman Online, and Megaman Universe are different things.
@thenail: lol, webOS
@PookandPie:prolly GFWL drm since Lionhead is a microsoft games studio.
How does ME1 compare to ME2
I'd like it if they used more of the screen realestate in 4p mode : /, otherwise it looks pretty good.
@Grey-Fox187: You don't, you just play PSP2 games : /
@DemiSouls: and thats just a dream, its too exploitable : l
@Nathan Uschmann: if you mean this, its just a concept made by some random dude not affiliated with sony whatsoever : /
Ugly has hell, but the controls look comfortable enough.
@Bubbleman! All life begins and ends with Nu..: Sorry if I sounded a little hostile, I guess its your opinion vs. mine anyway.