
@CassiusLonginus: I'm just made at companies for always complaining about piracy. With the "internet super highway"(lol) its pretty hard to stop the spread of pirated software.

I don't know how this relates to gaming, but I'm on my first free trial right now.

"drool" now I want one. My HTC Dream I bought this january feels real old now.

I didn't like the 2D portions, it was kinda hard to discern what was what.

This isn't stopping them from releasing Dead rising 2 on PC though -_-

@Spycrab!: Capcom's just making excuses, like every other company that refuses to port games to the PC

@CassiusLonginus: Ye, but that doesn't mean they aren't making money. Hell they can't really canabolize there console sales anymore now that games been out for ages.

-_- thats normally the excuse, but wasn't Street Fighter 4 PC also one of the best selling PC games the year it came out?

@Fancykong123: I know who that is, but this is insanely random. lol

I myself was a really heavy console gamer, but now I'm turning over to pc(namely laptop) for my gaming needs, cause its more convenient for me(at University)

@KichiGuy: lol ye I hate the fact that my stats are stuck on one account as well, I'm 6 wins 2 losses right now because I'm so scared to lose.

@allstaraugustine: oh no, if you are playing on PC you must have a controller, I myself use my Hori PS3 Fightstick, my ps2 controller, or my wired 360 Controller

@gladq8i: Ye I really wish they would bring it to PC

@allstaraugustine: Don't be hating us, we be playing up all our fighting games this way.

@Rugdog: I agree, SF4 PC may have been pirated alot, but alot of people PURCHASED it too =[

@poltergeistx: ye theres really no reason why capcom can't just toss in Megaman Trigger in the mix, as well as Zero since they showed up in TvC

@0seveN: ahh of course, how rather indudsjfkladjfkjsdlfjk ~ dumb of me, oh well not like, I am so dead to come up with a respose, sorry.

@Ashurahori: I agree, if it doesn't play like PSO its just another PSU rehash =[

From the 2 seconds of gameplay footage, I think this'll just be PSU but called PSO =[

I was all :D, then I saw a spider and I was all D: