
Every Monster Hunter clones gonna have a lock on camera, and thats alright, cuz I'll keep on playing monster hunter cause it takes skill.

@GohanEgret: I wasn't gonna play this anyway, but eww a lockon camera =l, that looks absurdly easy.

And I was about to buy a dell =s, this is making me hesitant.

@Kobun: D: man I'd pay quite the amount for one of those.

I suck at making myself =/

@SystemWrecker: Ye new blood would've worked, hell I could do it !!!! (actually no)

@PwnofProphecy: hmm... that might work, or maybe Michael Cera will surprise us for once (unlikely)

Watching some gameplay over at youtube made the game just look like a Dynasty Warriors Reskin.

@SystemWrecker: I agree bout the Michael Cera part, but I can't really think of any better actors =/

Maybe now it'll make a trip up north, eh?

I could go for a true boktai successor =3

On this idea, perhaps people are able to store a few games on their 3DS, like lets say 5 and each game cart has a saving mechanism that stops it from being reinstalled on a different system

I hate apple products as much as the next guy, but you can say this for basically any electronic =/, people just need to feel content with what they have.

@VirusHunter: ~random~ it'd be cool if they took a snap shot of your face, and automatically made you a mii (cuz I"m horrible at envisioning myself)

@romevi: its on nintendo's official e3 site

@Obrighm: according to nintendo, yes

FINALLY, too bad its not the kirby game we were waiting for when on the NGC though

@MaximusDM: man I cannot agree any more then I already am xD

@Mr McGrumpypants: lots of heroes with swords on their backs do that =/, not saying its right, but everyone cheats like that =P

Art style is in between twilight and wind waker, I like =3 appeases both fans in a sense