
@wonderboy13: Or they can do the next best thing and include english subtitles

I'd hate to use any of those apps on my xbox, my experience with the xbox menu's is that its slow.

I really don't know wtf just happened.

@Zero_: Capcom should like sell, 5$ preorders on there site for a Megaman Legends 3, you know, so we can show them, WE WANT A MEGAMAN LEGENDS 3 (yes the caps were necessary)

I don't normally read, but today was an exception.


@WhiteMÃ¥ge: DAMNIT why'd you have to bring up Megaman Legends 3 TT-TT

Sheepman looks kinda like a bad (photo)shop

@Archaotic: We need a new Megaman X game altogether =(

I guess I should have expected this, I personally didn't mind the voice acting in Yakuza 1. Wasn't terrible to me.

@BelgianBadger: it's not like the police can really bring someone into custody just because of a tattoo anyway.

@Xenris: Ye scores are so irrelevant, just tell me whats awesome, and whats not, and I'll judge whether or not I should try a game based on that.

@elevenoverzero: Yes, why yes of course, its not like I can have my own opinion or anything.

@Kaiser-Machead: Maybe there hoping that people will do like what they do with mail in rebates, and get lazy.

@larry.nic: This is business oriented so I guess when they went to the drawing board, and had to decide on whether hdmi or vga, they went with vga for projectors

@FiestyPanda: =O damn, that sounds awesome, I'd so get one if I felt more confident in my system.

@Petey-ed: I have a psp slim with 2 extra large batteries that I use alot. Its purely for convience sake, but they do help.

@FiestyPanda: Rather nifty, if not pricey, what colour LED did you get? I would've gone with cliche red =/

@CustomFirmware: Of course, men loving sticking meat in there mouths

This is why I switched over to teksavvy(isp) over bell which gave out minuscule bandwidth