
@Dragonis: D=, wow I just forgot what I was gonna say. Damn?...!

@shadow763: You can connect to a ps3, for online multiplayer[In a sense] I forgot if the same features gonna be in the USA psp version though.

@the7k: O_O seriously? that game got an A???????! =O Mind=blown

@TMFAN: I'm more of a PSO person myself =/

@Zezzler: Shin Megami Titles seem to have a certain art style, so I agree, I'd like to see what they can do with next generation hardware when it comes to graphics.

@CaptaiNeNN: Devil summoner(from my previous PS2 game experience) is..... uhhhh..... similar to Valhalla knights on the psp in the sense that your confined to a small battle field when you enter battle, it plays in real time. In #1 you were allowed 1 summon, in this one it looks like 2 are now allowed, either that, or

@Silent Predator: Persona is a spin off series of the original Shin Megami Tensei Series(I forget what Shin Megami Tensei means, something bout God I think).

@CaptaiNeNN: Gosh I dread Baroque, but I love trauma center =D, until it gets painfully hard.

@apostle22: I dislike the D-pad more =(, it just feels weird to me.

@TorenRocksRobots: I doubt it'd be able to emulate PS2 games all that well if it was just a portable PS2 =/. Personally I want the PSP2 to be at least as powerful as a gamecube.

I doubt they'll even want anything to do with expensive periferils(guitars, etc.) anymore.

@willy626: =O, thats.... I don't know, [For the lack of a better word] Absurd.

The one thing thats pecked my curiosity is how well the Wii version will sell.

@HikariOblivion: I can't agree more, at least its a wiiware.. it is a wiiware right???

@Hardys: I heard its only crappy for certain games, apparently disgaea's one of'em, so I can never have the 3k >=(.

Headphones ain't bad =/, although flaunting that around here in Canada would probably get some disturbing looks. Time to import =D

@Bogulmon: oh no wonder it stoped -_-

@Jezuz: lol ye 54mins in chrome for me XD

Nothing I can see in that picture is remotely interesting, maybe there aiming for a quick buck =/