He’s turning from a Vampire into a bat?
He’s turning from a Vampire into a bat?
Electability is a developing code word for “no women; no blacks, no gays; no socialists.”
Fuck this concept in the ear with the sharpest dick. Same goes for Alyssa Milano’s hot take.
White Nebraskan, you nailed it.
Perfect comment is perfect.
Isn’t this what they are upset about.
I think it’s too early for me to really know my top contender, but I’m mostly feeling #nooldwhitemen2020. We’ve had enough to last us for the next 200 years.
Can I also point out what seems obvious (and what I’ve heard white people yell about black and brown people for years):
I just have one request: when Karen gets arrested for letting her dog shit in the quad and threatens the security office, please mace her and get it on video. Please.
Joe and Bernie need to go away. Their time is up.
I went to the doctor the other day, he said “tummy” twice, so I’m looking for a new doctor.
Priyanka can’t cook? Wow. Too bad. Does she have anything else going for her? Hopefully she plays the banjo or tap dances or something.
I’m sorry you have to go through that, Tiffany. It’s not fair, but at least you had the sense to distance yourself from the family and that horrible person.
In the buff, bein’ rude
Doin’ stuff with the food
Gettin’ lewd with his food
We heard that’s what you are into
Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.
I hope that means she’s gonna get booed by children.