
Princess just seemed so bothered by being on the show. Instead of listening to critique she was sort of like, "Well, that's your problem".

The drag mothers was by far my favorite makeover because some of the queens actually learned something.

Yeah. These mini challenges have been pretty bad. And generally unrelated to anything. And the winner is never obvious based on performance.

I liked Roxxxy by the end of last season. I was just so sick of how they kept painting Jinkx as the victim even though she obviously wasn't; she was winning all the time and was holding her own in the workroom. It seems like last season they would go to any length to jam people into story lines. I rooted for Alaska

I like that there is no snarling villain this season. While it is still a big edited to filth reality show, it seems like they can't hide that everyone generally gets along and are friendly.

I am usually not nitpicky, but it's TAMMIE with an IE. Not a Y.

I've heard her compared to Chad Michaels in that regard, because Chad was only seen in the preview a couple of times but obviously made it far. I also recently looked at a chart that a crazy person made, and it included more Bianca looks than originally thought, one of which was just a Bianca armed bracelet in the

I loved Meg. I know they are probably wise in not over saturating us with Meg because she is kind of tonally different than the rest of the characters, but I wouldn't mind if we just had a Meg Minute every episode, kind of like "The Adventures of Ned Flanders" one minute stinger they tacked on the end a Simpsons

Bert is the best. If there was nothing else in an episode but Bert it would be a success. You should consider watching last weeks episode about his Aladdin themed birthday party. Complete with choreographed dance number. If you haven't already.

Does the fact that Nancy Drew preforms an emergency tracheotomy at a party make you more intrigued? Because that happens and it very jarring.

You are so correct. I am deeply ashamed.

Like Glen Close taking off her make up at the end of Fatal Attraction, but with a drag queen and body cones. I am imagining it in slow motion with tears. Thank you for that brain image.

Bert! Bert! Bert! Bert for president. Our foreign policy could just be choreographing dances and running around screaming with joy. I smiled so much at the end dance. It seemed like there were a couple of times that the actor playing Bert was thrown off by something and reacted like a little kid who is not a dancer

Whenever talking about Father Dowling Mysteries one should always remember that Tom Bosley played not only Father Dowling, but also his evil twin brother- the amoral Blaine Dowling. Tracy Nelson also played her own doppleganger- a princess who is in danger who has a striking resemblance to our own Sister Stephanie

I just watched every episode of this show over the weekend. I liked tiny parts of it, but never all of it very much. I kept getting confused when they would have side plots with Richard and Kendall. They were pretending to have developed those characters enough for me to care about them outside of their relationship

I loved The Comeback so hard. Aunt Sassy! "I don't want to see that!"
It was so uncomfortable that I would sometimes have to watch a half an episode at a time.

Yeah, I think they kept immunity all the way to the top five just to have that kind of dramatic situation arise. Structuring a challenge with two teams of three with one person with immunity, there is a good chance that one member of the losing team will have immunity. Maybe Stephanie will win next season.

Season 2 was pretty weird. I remember having a really hard time rooting for anyone, and for me the most unlikable people made it to the end of the season, making it difficult to watch. I ended up rooting for Marcel, which was confusing.

Willow Rosenberg: Cibo Matto can clog dance? Oh, sarcasm, right.