
I am appalled at the lack of the emergency tracheotomy performed by Nancy Drew (Emma Roberts) in the 2007 film of the same name. It is a really bizarre moment in the movie, and is kind of shrugged off and forgotten. I guess it is supposed to show how generally capable Nancy is.

Nobody will ever be worse than Max Muchnick. He was the real villain on season 4. Just thinking about him makes me want to throw up with rage.

Yes. You are totally right. I no longer feel conflicted about hating those episodes. Thank You. I can finally close that dark chapter in my life.

I just want her to take what they are saying and come back for them, which I think she is starting to do. I kind of hope by actually addressing it this episode she can move past it and just be a fierce drag assassin.

As much as I love Jinkx and dislike Roxxxy and have a strange fascination with Coco, I kind of get where they are coming from with their frustration with Jinkx. Most everyone has won a challenge, but Jinkx has also been in the top group for the last five challenges. She has never been near the bottom. It must get

So keeping two tonight seems to ensure that there will be nobody coming back from the grave this season. Someone broke the numbers down somewhere on the internet, and I really hope that it is true. Remember when they brought Lil' Kenya back and it was worthwhile? Me neither.
The only good thing about Carmen coming back

No Christiane F.? Everyone's favorite teen prostitute heroin addict family romp. Featuring David Bowie in concert.

The water off a ducks back refrain made me love her so much more.

I think that is my problem with it. It always seems like it will be such fun, and then only a few girls do anything with it. I guess as they bring it back each season it becomes more and more apparent that it will never be as good as it should be.

I want Ru to give Michelle and Santino the option to bring someone back, and then the door opens and no one is there. That would be the best use of it this season.

Tati totally deserved that win. She actually came up with clever answers as her character, it wasn't just an impression, it was some surprising comedy skill.

Yeah that was disappointing and confusing. If you don't know the original documentary ( which you should) at least know the 2009 multiple Emmy winning HBO movie with Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore, or the Tony award winning Broadway musical based on the documentary.

I do love Dida way more than I love Jade, but it is the closest I can come to figuring out why I love Jade at all. Dida was classier and nicer and she definitely knew it was her time to go. I will see how Jade exits, and that will probably color a lot of my opinion of her, and I think it will be soon. I wonder if Jade

When I re-watch seasons I usually skip snatch game episodes. Because the good performances- Pandora, Tati, Alexis Mateyo, Sharon, Chad, and Willam- don't make up for the annoyingly mediocre and bad performances.

But at least Jinkx won! Pandora never won a main challenge. 
And even if they see flashes of Pandora, Jinkx's clothes are so much better than Pandora's. Even if they aren't a million times glittery glam, they aren't some jeans with little girl fabric sewed to the bottom. I love Pandora, ( I didn't for awhile, but I am

Snatch Game is producing diminishing returns each year. Or maybe I just think it should be better every year, or at least the queens should get smarter about it. Last years was the most unpleasant, but this years had more embarrassment because of straight up dumb-ness. 
Jinkx wiped the floor with it. Alaska did second

Snatch Game is the next episode. Are they taking a break before airing it?

Lineysha is a snoozer. She is just too boring to be the villain, and when she was being mean to Alaska, it was rude not funny. 
She is like Tyra Sanchez with less attitude- she would have done well 3 seasons ago, but the game is different now and pretty is not nearly enough.

Her refusal to understand any drag except her own almost reached PhiPhi levels, she just happened to be less insane. But on All Stars the chip on Alexis' shoulder was so front and center it overshadowed the great job Yara did.

I think it was kind of them not to talk much about Jinkx outfit. I love her, but that was a mess. She should have taken Ru's advice to Jade in episode one: Edit.