
I was just talking to someone who casually watches Buffy, and explaining fan fights about different seasons being the best or worst. When I brought up season 6 she immediately assumed it was the agreed upon best. When she re-watches Buffy it is her go to season. I was surprised, I am a season six defender, but its

Murder, She Wrote made it to 264 episodes. It never declined in quality because it was the same episode each week. A polite lady solving crimes with class. It was in the top 15 for 11 seasons, until they decided to cancel it by putting it against Friends. 12 lead actress Emmy nominations with no wins. Lansbury has 19

I agree. 
Firing Mr Jay made me hope he goes back and does another season of Canada's Next Top Model, which was kind of great because they were really supportive on that show. Which I think is something that has disappeared from ANTM.

I think they knew that they were going to do this, and once they saw what a monster PhiPhi was they decided they had to keep her until the end. Otherwise she probably would have been a middle out filler girl. 
They are huge into their social media savvy (ANTM should take a cue- but they won't) and know this will blow

Yeah. That gave me the weirds. I guess he is playing older and she is playing younger, but he is 40, and looks 40 and she is 30 and she looks 30. I couldn't get into the storyline because of that.

At first I thought there was no way a Brit could possibly win. But my mind turned around and I decided a Brit winning would be exactly what Tyra wants. She loves the winner to have an angle, and being British is enough for her. I don't think any of the American's have anything more compelling than that. It also leads

I love seeing Sophie pop up in pictures with Emma Watson, like last week on GoFugYourself.… 
It reminds me they are friends, and renews my desire to see Sophie win.

I was revelling in how amazing Chad's chin looks in drag tonight. It has always been there, but at one point I was in shock and awe over its perfection.

I think there has never been a better example of how he can dish it out but can't take it than when he walked out of the workroom because he didn't get a dog he wanted. This coming the week after he bragged about getting Kenya to listen to him with the DILF assignments. He is a one year old baby.

Sharon not winning doesn't fit into my brain. Mostly because she has set the record for main challenge wins now. Nobody has ever won four challenges before. Last season the final three all had three wins.
This season it is two, two, four. Which also makes me think they gave PhiPhi her magazine win over Sharon so it

So final 2- Laura and Sophie? or Eboni and Sophie? Laura's call out average is 3- first place. Sophie is in forth with 4.8, so she can rise. Eboni is lower, but rising.
Kyle and AzMarie are second and third, but they are both being set up to fall hard. 
Also Brit/Yank/Brit/Yank/Brit with the eliminations. Which spells

Sharon looks amazing in that picture at the top. Tracy Flick realness.


Jeffrey Moran is such a nerd. I hope he doesn't have any say. I get that they will  represent Absolut on tour, but it is representing them in a Drag Tour, and they want the best drag queen who is going to bring in the most people. And he can't argue with Sharon's power.

Yeah. I get the reasoning in my head, but not my heart. PhiPhi just seemed to desperate during the debate, it reminded me of her Gaga, if she is terrible she just keeps doing it more.

That episode totally elevated Raven. She was really able to appreciate why those old guys with safety pins in their belly buttons were amazing and important.

Jiggly is the logical choice. But it makes me kind of over bringing someone back. This season nobody can shake the Sharon, Chad, Latrice tree.

I think Jiggly too. And she will probably go right home. 
It is even the same kind of challenge as when Carmen got sent home the second time- making over dads instead of jocks, if wikipedia is to be believed. I wonder if it will be their dads?

I like when Sharon talks down about our shared hometown/ high school. She is correct, and they  should make the high school faculty watch Drag Race. Home Town Hero.

It seems like this season has been the most inevitable moving towards the end. I guess it has always been apparent who was great, but this season is seems like the top three are miles ahead of the rest from the start.