
Do you watch the show? And isn't a grade for a show a relative scale based on what the show is? So for an episode of Drag Race this is an A.
 Also the grades don't matter so they can't be devalued.

I have to assume either PhiPhi is exactly wrong on every challenge, and always picks the winner as a loser, or more likely she talks so much shit about everyone that they always have a clip of her badmouthing the winner. I hope she is embarrassed watching the show.

Kelly Osbourne was the guest judge on ANTM last week. She is a really good reality tv judge, she was the smartest person in the room on ANTM. It is a stark difference between the awful new season on ANTM and the beauty of this show.  I also just really like her.

Ru was totally right that Gaga is mostly visual. In interviews she tends to be wry and funny, and completely aware of the persona she is evincing; not embarrassing in a Snatch Game worthy way. You would have to watch a ton of interviews to get her tone, but it still probably wouldn't translate to punny Snatch jokes.

I love Loretta Devine. Especially from Urban Legend.

I think of it like Top Chef: people who are really good at their job doing amazing work. But their job is being hilarious/amazing drag performers. There are also tons of fights.…

It is not garbage, it is one of the smartest and self-aware reality shows out there, and is amazing. Ru Paul is very smart and keeps it fun. And it is one of the few reality shows that will increase the contestant's profile in their industry.

And did he expect Sharon not to respond when he says he hates everything she is doing, just because it is too "out there"? He was judging a different show than everyone else, a boring show to find people to do line readings for a terrible sitcom.

Also, Chad's sitcom costume can never get enough praise.

The winner in all the past seasons has won a challenge by now. Which makes it seem more like the final three will be Chad, Latrice, Sharon. Deservedly.

It seemed so dramatic season 1. Like Shannel's snake headdress falling off and her carrying on. Now it just shows a desperate queen. Stacey Lane Matthews pulling out hair track after track last season was ridiculous. Like in a show would you yank your hair and leave it on stage? Maybe, I don't know.

I can usually watch it after midnight pacific time.

Re-watching season 3 I definitely love Manila more than Raja. Her commentary was always spot on. My favorite line from the season was her comment on Stacey Lane Matthew's 'cake couture'- "Stacey's couture runway worthy outfit, inspired by…tights? hmmm..Bold move."
That being said, Raja deserved to win in the end, but I

PhiPhi is so sour all the time. She reminds me of Alexis towards the end of season 3 when it became clear that Raja should win. But it is only the beginning, PhiPhi hasn't won a main challenge and she acts really entitled and awful.

The Van Houtens reunited in Milhouse of Sand and Fog. As of Little Orphan Millie they are remarried.

I remember hearing scandalous whispers about Aaron Coady when I was in elementary school.
I was talking about Drag Race at Christmas, and my sister mentioned this guy from high school's drag name was Sharon Needles, and it was very exciting that they were the same person.

Willam makes me think of Morgan McMichaels. A lot of confidence, and seems to be doing well, then semi-shocker boot in the middle.
I like Willam way better than Morgan though.

Sharon Needles was in my sister's grade in small town Iowa. Her being on this show means I finally have a hometown hero. She is amazing.

It is a different Sharon Needles. But she is more amazing.

there is a pretty steamy scene where Star and her friend/ hair stylist/ jealous enemy from her hometown have an experimental lesbian encounter on the beach. It is a highlight.