
I recently watched all of Ally McBeal after completely missing it.  Jane Krakowski's Elaine Vassal became the only character I even slightly cared for.

It seems like that rumor is mostly because of the eliminee video upload order. But I think like Lisa and Allison's were uploaded at the same time. So I think the second place is still up for grabs. And most people went right to Allison getting second because it makes sense for her to be in the final.

The term and idea of a "motion editorial" is the worst.

I tried thinking for awhile about what if Krista was the main character of the show.
She would still be mostly a coward. I would still love Amy, she is terrible, but perpetually honest.

I have to drink so much wine to deal with this.
I just saw a picture of Courtney Cox and it made me so excited for it to come back.
Busy Phillips!

It seems like the girls really like her outside of the show. Shannon mentioned that Lisa was her favorite friend from the show. And Allison, Laura, and Alexandria have all made videos with Lisa since the show filmed. I think she is definitely an in house fave.

Nigel is great? I think he is one of the worst parts of the show. 
He seems like such a creep and his photos are the worst.
Shannon also talked about how weird and mean he was this season. In the bathtub challenge I guess he actually tried to push her into a bathtub. 

Danielle was definitely the right choice. She is definitely one of the most beautiful contestants ever. But Joanie was so nice, funny and pretty, and she and Danielle seemed like good friends.. I still remember her talking about how she talks to Jade and just 'smells bitch'

I have been trying to figure out why I love Dominique now too. I think she was so legitimately glad to be there, and is one of the few people who looks way better than her season.

There is no way they can both be in the top 2. Then everyone would be satisfied either way. 
The only time I would have been happy if either girl won:

Sometimes Lisa reminds me of Kristen Johnston. 
Exaggerated features that are awesome, but can also get away from you.

Yeah. It is getting down to the boring, boring end.

Shannon is definitely gotten craggy. Is it just because she is so gaunt? Maybe her virtue wearing her face into sharp angles.

The thing is though, Allison couldn't. If she could have she would have. 
She is now 23 and firmly a reality tv star.

I think part of the boredom comes from them being paid to be on the show. The stakes are almost zero.

Dominique continues to be my favorite. Which means she will fall soon. She also released a full length music video.…

There is no way Shannon can win. Starting out with her crazy panty tirade makes her a goner.
Alexandria has the lowest call out average, and I am pretty sure she is gone next week. And she has some of the worst pictures of the season.
I think it is between Angelea who is more normal than before, Dominique, and

I don't get it. It is just getting down to girls who are remembered for being nice and now have no personality or impact. And Alexandria who is terrible. 
I want Dominique to win. Or Lisa because that would be the most ridiculous, but I know she is too wild.It could very well end with Shannon, Laura and Allison. Three

I thought this episode was pretty terrible.
I was definitely on team Bianca. I get that it is a terrible reality show, but at a certain point getting humiliated and pretending it is modeling must be awful. Like if they admitted that it was just for a show I would be fine but pretending that splashing in a bathtub in