Ken Takakura (Ken San)

I relate so strongly to this man, I feel like we have a bond although we have never met.

I just turned 50 on July 11th and I have been thinking about my life and where I have come from and where I will be.

I was the youngest of four kids, I had two older sisters, and my older brother. My dad was a Korean War vet who

I am turning 50 on July 11th and I have been employed by a local sheriff’s dept for 31 years. I am able to retire and have been looking for a new residence with huge RV garages (One with 3,000+ sqft) because I want to follow in this man’s footsteps or should I say, wheel tracks? The RV garage will have a paint


I really like this car. I really, really, REALLY like this car. I will be buying one, HOWEVER, I will be waiting at least one to two years after initial release to avoid the issues of mass production first run units.

Beginning a few years ago, thousands of people paid from $500.00 to a few thousand to reserve their cars and Elio motors is STILL doing sales pitches for reserving one of their never to exist cars on Facebook.

I knew from the onset this was a scam. My first indication was the claimed 5 star crash rating from NHTSA,

Cell phone service can get overloaded during a critical incident. Just change your greeting on your phone. “Hi you’ve reached John, I am okay, I am enroute to _________ via (mode of travel)_____, I will update this msg every ten minutes with my new location.

The last thing you want to focus on in a volatile

I just hope this movie goes back to the formula of a storyline based on characters, not an hour and a half commercial for products that a child will want for Christmas. This is why so many people loved the first movie, children, parents, grandparents, we all loved the first movie because of the storyline but most of

So what some non car person did was, put the key in the ignition of a car and during the startup phase of the car when the speedometer sweeps the dial face, the person took a pic and then photoshopped it but did NOT delete the “Doors Open” “Check Engine”, “Seat belts” “Battery”, “Oil” “Check engine”, and “P”,(ark)

Thank you for this article. I drive a 1997 Lincoln Town car everyday to work, a commute that is a total 48 miles round trip. I drive up a canyon road during half the commute and the reminder on flat interstate in the Banning Pass near Palm Springs. I average 12 MPG city and if I am very lucky, around 22 hwy. My

I purchased the car 15 years ago. The prices on Panteras until recently did not correspond to the rarity and uniqueness of the car. I purchased the car for the price of a used Honda CRV, the seller, was more interested in selling the car to someone who would love the car vs a flipper and he found that person.

It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been but even better when we picked up the car.

Why do you think the Libyan embassy attack and murder of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was downplayed by the Obama administration? 
Stevens was supposed to get Stingers back from players on the ground after they(Stingers)were given out and funneled through Libya to Al Nusra in Syria. The whole fiasco was the

1210 miles. Yes, one thousand two hundred and ten miles. Why? Because a car I have wanted a lifetime was being sold online in a small town called, Minden Nevada. 15 years ago, my buddy Perry contacted me and told me of an ad he read in which a 1972 Pre-L Detomaso Pantera was being sold, a one owner with 72K

I’ve dealt with this kid on a professional basis and to put it lightly, he is a spoiled, pain in the ass. I can’t get into detail about what I do but to give an example, I asked to see his I.D. for some documentation he filled out. Conrad said, “I dont have I.D. they (Cops) seized it after my last arrest, (For

The fact that car dealers are behaving like a version of corporate mafia bullies, makes me want to buy a Tesla even more than before.

A Metric ton of people have sent Elio Motors money, from $500.00 and up to and exceeding $1,500 to $2,000 dollars to buy into, reserve and hold the first production cars. This all started about three years ago and just recently again on Facebook, the campaign or as I called them out, “A literal Ponzi Scheme”,

About one year ago, my five year old son was in his car seat on the tan leather back seat of my cherry 1997 Lincoln Town car. As we drove home from Disneyland, I hear my son say, “Mom, I dont feel good I think I am going to be sick”, wife freaks, she grabs the only thing available, a brown bag from Starbucks. “Here

A technique I used to teach my son about “Blind Spots”. I bought 6 10 foot pieces of colored nylon rope. I had my son sit in the drivers seat and using mirrors only, I had him tell me when he could see me and not see me as I walked several feet from the back left, to the center to the back right.

When he said he

The neon, picnic table rear wing on front wheel drive cars, fart can killer bee exhausts, these are not tuners, those were RICERS. Remaping, super chargers, turbos, better suspensions, these are TUNERS

Am I the only one that thinks of a fight scene from the Matrix when you hear this?