John Kauderer

I just watched Bloodsport again on Sunday Night. Timeless comes to mind... oddly so does dated.

Can’t wait to play this.

I think I had beers with this guy once!

Good points... But how do you explain them trading for that white dude Demarco Murray?

You had me at “hoary techniques”.

Geraldine of Rivia!

I enjoyed Shadow of Mordor but I kept expecting it to go somewhere... and it never did. I’m like 80% through the game with one main mission quest left. It starts to drag towards the end, not enough to ruin the experience but I couldn’t help but think they could have done more. Warchiefs on mounts, Wargs, Giant

If the skating is good and it feels like the first few THPS games then I’m happy.

Fighting for points is boxing. It is not gaming the system. It doesn’t make for the most exciting bout of course. Floyd always fights this way, why people think he would suddenly become a brawler is puzzling to me. He also has two very injured (many times broken) hands and has to fight with what are practically

Amir Khan clinches more in one round than Mayweather did the whole fight.

So you are angry that the “superior boxer” won a boxing match?

You forgot one (two) of the greatest car games of all time. Top Gear... and Top Gear 2. Actually there are a ton of great car games from the days of yore. Rad Racer, Rad Mobile, Hard Driving, Chase HQ...

Curious if there is as deep a party system as there was in the Baldur’s Gate series? Pairing up the right team was essential to success. Some characters would turn on you if your party was not of the right affinity, or if you took too long to do a quest (looking at you Minsc). While others would only stay if you

It would have been a big departure for their brand as it was largely a single player action / stealth game. It looked pretty polished to me. Most people who saw it were shocked they canned it.

I saw StarCraft Ghost at E3. It was playable. I don’t think they let me play it though but from what I saw, it looked promising. I remember the guy demoing was like OK now I’m going to call in this siege tank for support. “COOOOOOOOL”.

Did you know Cookie Monster doesn’t eat the cookies, he just mashes them up and they fall out of his mouth? It’s like my whole childhood has been a lie!

The Kojima rift must be greater than I thought. There’s no way they would yank what appears to be a sure fire hit.

It’s a classic! Granted I didn’t even know you could zoom until 3/4 through the game. If memory serves they didn’t mention it in the manual. Also my manual wasn’t fully put together. It had like four pages that weren’t attached.

Alien Vs. Predator. Loved the game. I played every race and finished each one. Now that I think about it this might have been AVP 2. (Checks internet) OK let’s assume it was AVP 2.

But he gets hit by the blue shell anyway and then he gets second place.