John Kauderer

The lighting doesn't seem very good on Project Cars. The cars look like they're floating. Also the reflectivity of the brake lights in the night driving clips off the road is pretty bad, they just overlaid the lights onto the roadway, it doesn't look anything like a reflection of light. Driveclub does a better job

A lot of people confuse dieting with starvation. I'd say stick to a realistic calorie goal based on your desired BMI, and stay as active as possible. Don't starve yourself and don't binge on Doritos at every meal. Check calories too. It seems unfair but the big chicken salad at Applebees has twice the calories as the

This most be for more recent games. I remember playing games like the first F.E.A.R. and saving at the worst possible times. Like when I just used the last health pack on the level... but right before I ran into all the craziest enemies.

I once went on a ski trip and met an NYPD narc detective (allegedly). If he is to be believed (and really who is more trustworthy than a random person you just met on the bus), then he says that there are a good amount of cops that smoke weed. He said you only get drug tested if you fire your weapon in suspicious

I bet you that if so many games didn't insist on being always online ( for no good reason ) there would have been a much less angered response.

If you want people to read your codex entries maybe don't make them in SMALL CAPS!!!!!

He should just say stuff like "it occurred to me that if I could move the ball down the field, we could score some points. If we score enough points, then we win.". He can just customize that to whatever question they throw his way. Maybe add stuff like we gave 110%, I'd like to thank God, The other team played hard

The thing that always impressed me was the rain on Planet Zebes. Then later you realize it stopped raining. Super Metroid was also quite good at giving you big hints to the areas you couldn't access just yet. I think I lost a few hours of my life trying to get out of the wall jump pit.

Whatever you may be thinking those are not the trees and textures from TDU2.

All the bots that watch his show must be stoked. Still have yet to meet a human in person who has ever watched any of his videos. Maybe he's big in junior high schools or something? Conversely almost every gamer I know of (regardless of age) has heard of Francis.

I was going to post the same thing but I thought I should scroll first. That game was almost impossible to play the first time you tried. I eventually got pretty good at it.

I am the only person in the universe who doesn't like Smash Bros. For me it's just mash buttons until someone punches you off a cliff and you insta-die. Not fun in the slightest. I dug Power Stone though. They should make a new Power Stone.

I played Watch Dogs on Xbox 360 and I thought it played pretty well, except for the weird ass audio problems. Why is that news broadcast playing at 10,000x the volume of everything else? Oh neato, now it's repeating and playing over itself. I got pretty good at hitting mute every time I heard the Dead Sec noise.

I had this idea a few days ago. I was going to call it gorgeous guys of gaming. Late to the party I am.

Some great things about the trailer, and it is impressive a small group put it together so quickly. To me it seems to miss many of the things that made Ghost and Goblins so great. They really needed to have the armor come off and have him run around in his tightie whities. It's also like a super dark take on what is a

OK... I'm going to be that guy.... Pacman should be Tokyo. Centipede should be San Fran. I guess the Space Invader would be Tokyo as well. So maybe do Moscow instead with Tetris pieces? Other than that, they are wonderful posters.

That is kind of amazing. If the game is half as cool as the character creator they might have something special.

Metal Gear on NES was amazing but I never owned it myself, I had to play at a friends place. Then I had MGS and I felt like it could have been the greatest game of all time. I felt this three times. #1 Kings' Quest #2 Wing Commander #3 MGS. I became a big fan of Kojima, right up until MGS3 when I fell asleep during

I have yet to meet a real person that has 1. Heard of him. 2. Seen his videos. He must have a force of a few million bots or something.