John Kauderer

agreed. They don't even look that similar. You could probably find a dozen movies that have similar covers.

if it's anything like EOTB I think you could use the number keys to have your character attack.

might have to give this a try. I'm a huge fan of Eye of the Beholder and the early Westwood games.

I had worked with OMGPop on a project. Their office was mad tiny and was bursting at the seams with their staff. At first I was a little worried but they made an awesome game and it got a couple million plays. I'm not surprised they found success and they're a great bunch of dudes (can't remember if there were any

Part of me thinks, would I really play a 60 hour game on an iPad? Another part of me thinks I should get an iPad so I can play a 60 hour game on it.

I don't know I stopped reading after I read that line and was like WTF? I've just played dozens of games where the lead character was a female and was not a shop keeper or a waitress.

No one Lives Forever. Space Channel 5. are the two games you didn't know. It's cool I doubt the author of the book heard of them either.

True most (but not all) female fighting game characters are 85% breasts, but she was talking about their roles, not how they were dressed. I could have said cooking Mamma just as easily or any of the Quantic Dream games or countless other games etc... etc...

"The few games Anthropy finds that star women tend to render them as waitresses or shop-owners."

For relaxing time... Make it Suntori time.

a new turn based Front Mission would be cool.

hmmm. I'm thinking one $300 version if they are anything like the human versions.

every person I know in NY that watches football posted the same status on FaceBook "Noooooooooooo!" NYC is not a warm town for evangelicals (or shitty Quarterbacks).

I would have bought five $2 million dollar houses instead.

it actually had a little keyboard but the game probably only ever needed one button at a time. I could never figure it out. I heard a rumor the game was unfinished and can't be completed.

I was going to be a hater and be like no retro games wouldn't be better with new sounds but I was too busy laughing.... so I wrote this instead.

I never actually saw one of those it was called Bega's Battle. For some reason that got me thinking about the game Thayer's Quest which was a fantasy style laser disc game with a keyboard. Now I kinda want to play laser disc games.

from the look of the pic she's gorgeous.

Ah drum and bass, always good for a racing game trailer. I like D&B, 2 Step, Speed Garage, and Moombha but for the most part Dubstep bores the shit out of me.

My first exposure to Lupin the 3rd was the Cliff Hanger laser disc game. I don't think I found out the real name until years later. there was no public internet back then so it was hard to find things out.