John Kauderer

You forgot Jesus. If by some miracle the Steelers lose then Jesus is totally playing for the Broncs. Which might be possible since Mendenhal is out on injury and Rothlesberger has an ankle injury.

Wow try and rip off Deus a little harder. This looks like a crappy team fortress. EA what the hell are you thinking?

it looks more like Future Wars or Rise of the Dragon than it does Flashback and Out of this World.

Now playing

Or you could pony up the $80 and get Xplane which is apparently a full fledged FAA flight sim.

There is no respawning in war.... yet.

ah minnish cap, you unsung hero of zeldaness. I'd put you over the N64 titles any day of the week.

I think that commercial sucks but mostly because I hate Jonah Hill. Fat Jonah Hill was OK but skinny Jonah Hill... I kinda want to slap the shit out of him.

I could give a flying farkle about MMOs. three cheers for games that end. I barely have a life as it is.

Do you know where I can find some sailors? I'm looking for a man that can translate the Chinese language. Hi Ryu, want to wrestle!

apparently the designers republic was just one dude for years. I seem to remember him saying he wanted to come up with a name that sounded like there was more than one person working there. Later on I believe he hired some staff.

hmm do I agree? mebbe, Deus was pretty rad but I'm not sure I'd give it the nod over skyrim. I guess Skyrim by and large was more of the same, whereas Deus showed the world (looking at YOU EA) that you don't need to take a classic game and make it into a mindless shooter to be successful. Deus also had more style and

Bush pretended to be a conservative and then grew the gov by 300%. Not sure why I'm surprised that Barry pretended to be a lib and then backed up all the horrible policies previous dude came up with.

I suppose UI doesn't take into account your personal finances, although I could be wrong about that. There is a cap though on what UI pays out so even if you were making 250k + you'd still only get what the cap allowed. Not only that, but while you're working you yourself are paying into your UI from your payroll tax

"Yet, thousands of millionaires are receiving unemployment benefits" why do I find this hard to believe. Maybe we shouldn't have given 700 billion to bankers to bail out the housing market only at the last minute to have them instead buy up smaller banks and give out humongous bonuses to themselves. Whoops!

very very much so!

Now playing

That was kinda horrible. This is the realness!

SOPA, PIPA, NDAA. Might be time to move to Costa Rica, I've been meaning to work on my surfing anyway. Thanks Barrack O'busha.

They've done pretty well with it for sure, I still think it's dank. It's all poorly set type, auto bevels and drop shadows. Paul Rand it is not.

they're getting straight ripped on hobbit weed and then they have a jam session. you think I don't know about second breakfast? Believe me man, I know, oh I know about second breakfast.

how many times can a person say "very" in a very short time span. Ready, set, Kojima GO!