
Well I’m not a minority woman, I’m a white woman and I’m telling you you’re using your words to maintain your privilege so sit the hell down and shut the fuck up.

In the clip above, Stewart is asked about how he reacted to the revelations and C.K.’s admittance of guilt, and says he was “stunned.”

Good point. And declaring “I am trash” can also be a way to trick the other person into saying “oh no, you’re a good person!” at which you’ve acquired your Get Out Of Moral Obligation Free card and you never have to do a thing again. (We white people just love those cards, which is why you should never give them to

Obviously, Kevin had mental health issues stemming from his incarceration. We need to do more to improve access to psychiatrists and social workers after prisoners are released.

It’s almost like the current laws on the books have been written to be ineffective, full of loopholes that make it easy for Freedom to thrive and prosper.

Ughh...this one hits especially close to home: I have a lot of family that live near there. One of my cousins actually attended that elementary school for a bit, and both my brother- and sister-in-law are first responders who were among the first on scene this morning.

“whose name is kevin”

don’t be hasty, the shooter may not be white.

Aw, gee, another mental health incident.

Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing

You’re not being *that* person. It was a genuine question, so thanks for the update!

Tata Global just sounds slutty.

All of these dudes should also go buy a Nespresso. I have a Keurig and recently visited my sister who received a Nespresso for Mother’s Day and got to put it through a couple rounds... let me tell you, everybody who thinks Keurigs are good are hella basic.

No, no, no, you guys missed his point - he’s going to smash his Gizmodo. Now no one will have one to enjoy any more.

you’re running out of time to trigger me. smash the Keurig, coward

Reading the comments after Jesse posted this made me really regret being a part of the scene for the first time. So many people either forgave him, said the girl was a liar (which why the hell would he post this if she was lying) or said that she must have actually wanted the attention. I won’t listen to Brand New

Are you going to destroy your keurig or not?, you dumb fucker.

They say, “happy holidays” so fuck those fuckers. To make matters worse, their “holiday” cups don’t depict Santa holding baby Jesus, so they’re all atheists.

ok, so are you gonna smash your keurig or not

Other people who shot the videos appear to be under the impression that destroying the Keurigs will make liberals angry