
Agreed - Kirkman is still railing against Jezebel and the Daily Beast. If you need to defend yourself against the victim, and not the perpetrator, you should rethink your strategy.  

“I was fucked over many times by Jezebel and the Daily Beast. People saying I said things I didn’t say. If you want to choose not to believe me, great. But this is why women don’t talk about ANYTHING. So I’m done. The end.

Did Kirkman ever come out and confirm it was CK? I feel like Jezebel is still implying Kirkman officially stated off the record it was CK, and that she was pressured from his team into silence - but Kirkman still hasn’t come out and said it was it was (on the record.)

It seems to contradict Madeline’s sentiments that

“This is exactly what I want to fight against,” the 28-year-old said after slapping him across the face.

Damnit me too and it took this comment to realize it.

Totally agreed. I love touristing through AC. Except I was really excited to go through the pyramids but then immediately got claustrophobic and had to put out my torch. #womp

Yea the lack of old AC parrying screwed me up, but then I got the sickle sword and everything was right in the world.

/bathroom accessible without worry because the headliner needs to split the venue bill between 6 openers. I GOTTA PEE EVENTUALLY.

Ahhhh I love when actual lawyers show up.

As someone who used to work security at fronts of shows/spent her teens hanging onto the guard rail - security hate people who think it is their god-given right to be at the front because they ‘waited in line’ for hours to get there. They do not like you. They think you cause drama and trouble, and that it is a

I know people who interned for Hannah’s and McGowen’s PR team and the two actresses both routinely complained loudly in meetings about Weinstein and other producers years and year ago - including the sexual advances - no one did shit.

I don’t think climbing into bed with someone who, “...didn’t do anything that made me think you wanted me to do anything like that,” then groping them into sex is a thing in pop culture.... Can you name 10+ examples?

I’m not sure I agree with this in this specific situation.

Yea like I graduated high school in 2008 and we were never taught about consent. I remember us reading a book in class with a questionable sex scene in it our senior year, and 17/18 year old boys going to me, “This isn’t rape, she told him no and fought him off, but then said (in her thoughts) it felt good.”

Yea I kind of got the same vibe. Like does he feel guilty because he really hurt another person and put her at a disadvantage for the rest of her life - or because he knew he broke a social norm and thought he should feel guilty?

Come here, I want to talk to you.” And I remember saying, “What about?” And he said, “You know what about.” And I remember owning up to it and saying that I fucked up. And him saying like, “I’m glad you’re owning up to it but we can’t be putting up with that. And we can’t be seen as people who do, because we aren’t

Samesies. I’ve already made up an opening theme to their sitcom in my head.


(* Jris? Chrenny? What’s the combo here?)

The first good news of 2017.

Agreed, but it’s still been used by some congregations as an argument against the left hand.

(Like many Bible verses. Yay ambiguity in interpretive scripture depending on which version you’re using!)