
I completely understand that. I have this weird thing where I can’t fantasize about celebrities I’m into if they’re either married or in a relationship. It just feels wrong. Adam Scott and Dave Franco have very narrowly escaped some filthy corners of my mind.

samesies. like i am only okay with this because jenny slate is awesome. anyone else and i woulda been like GET YO HANDS OFF MY MAN.

Every other time I ask my boyfriend for something he responds with, “Money pleaaaase!” And then we do a “Money money money.”

Even if you left her for him, she’d understand.

I forgot Donna i’m so ashamed of myself

Married dude here: If my wife said, “hey I’m leaving you for Captain America,” I'd completely understand. It would suck, but I couldn't blame her.

Does that mean Jean-Ralphio gets piggy back rides?

Somewhere our old pal Adultosaur is sitting in a chair turning a light on....and off....on.....and off....on while muttering “jenny <click> slate <click>....”

There was SOOOOO much sexual tension between them on Anna’s podcast, I remember thinking if I were her husband, I would be suspicious.

Jenny Slate dating Chris Evans makes me so happy for both of them. Like, get it girl.

I’ve never worked in magazines but in book publishing there would be at least one person in a lower power position trying to point out that this was completely inappropriate but all the higher up people would think she was just being an oversensitive killjoy, and she’d get overruled.

i honestly want this framed and in my room

Her attempts at distancing herself may backfire if she is intimating that she hadn’t done her due diligence as publisher. Surely part of her position is apprising herself and others of the magazine’s content.

Can we get this back?

I’m trying to imagine the corresponding article in Discovery Boys.

I’m like a C, C+. I can get the words but I’m not one of those people who make magical sense out of them.

I refused to be impressed until you do it as a palindrome.

Having worked pretty extensively with celeb handler types in the past, I wouldn’t be shocked to learned this was their zealousness rather than Prince’s (or the zealousness of the New Girl people obsessed with keeping him happy after taking an off-handed remark too seriously, because it goes the other way, too). I once

I was especially pissed off because we all know that Bones drives luxury cars gifted by her publishers (because of course that’s a thing that happens). No way she buys a Prius.

I have to say, these replies are making me feel pretty good about having jumped ship when I did. Not that every other show doesn’t do it but, damn, Bones — have some self respect!