
See? That right there...

I don’t think this is about criticizing Trump for deciding to do it. I think this is about criticizing the reaction, as if giving a grieving widow positive attention is the greatest moment in presidential speech history. More to your point, very few people who are praising Trump praised Clinton for bringing out a

The family of the vet does get to make a choice. Owens’ wife made one choice (yes, you can use me as a prop); his father made another (GTFO you moron whose idiotic decision got my son killed).

A hypocritical Republican? GTFO.

Trotting out the military as props is like Politics 101. Their families are inherently sympathetic, and Soldiers get virtually no say in what they are told to do (if someone tells them to go stand next to the President and have him pin on an award, thats what they do). Plus politicians can funnel all sorts of money

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

If they know what they’re doing (HAHAHA) never. Nothing rallies up opposition to a war faster than conscription.

The draft is the last thing the warmongers want — it’s not like they send their own kids off to die.

Maybe two years? Is that enough to time start wars with Iran and China (and Mexico and Australia and...)?

Ah, the hypocrisy is thick. Remember when he went after the Khan family and accused HRC of using them as a political prop? Fun times, man. Fun times.

It’s an alternative picture. I am sure that Kellyanne would have no issue with this.

Baron Bannonkonnen.

Steve Bannon looks like what happens when you let white supremacy and Nazism run unchecked through the halls of power and media for decades

I didn’t know it was ‘shopped, so thank you.

Now playing

Just like how heart surgeon and small government republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) was able to incorrectly diagnose how she was “not somebody in persistent vegetative state” from the Senate floor. Thanks to him and a bunch of other small government republicans, she was forced to continue to

For what it’s worth, a Tineye search reveals another version of that picture that looks slightly more presentable, which suggests that maybe there’s been some small ’shopping going on —

It certainly makes sense. Then again, he could just be a physically dirty person, who’s a hardcore alcoholic. He doesn’t seem to take any pride in his appearance, which is odd, considering he’s part of Trump’s inner circle. You’d think he try to look presentable. Instead he looks like somebody who crawled out of the

it looks like he smells like puss and vodka

I can already foresee Republicans complaining about the “Sports Elites.”