Possible Weirdo

Oh yea, trust me, those moments are few and far between. For me it’s less of a “I hope Megyn escapes” (she is a big girl who made big girl choices) and more of a pet conspiracy theory. It would be interesting if it were true, but I am not going to bet my horse on it. And you are right- she is a active participant in

An angry dad yelling is abuse? I’m pretty sure that most dads get angry and yell sometimes. Like, “Put down that device and do your homework or else you’ll lose your screen time!” The part that is really problematic to me, is that Brad was drunk and out of control, which is scary to children and potentially

Oh god, I suspected women had these kind of secret meetings around at the office. I fucking KNEW every woman in the office knows about that one time I popped a boner in front of Jenny at the coffee machine. Goddamnit.

Yeah, people act like your brain isn’t an actual physical part of your body, affected by the same things that affect every other part of your body.

Brad Pitt’s really dumb, right?

If rape isn’t a serious enough crime to be locked away because you are a danger to society, then no one at all should be sent to jail or prison. Let’s start with not sending non-violent offenders to prison before we start this insane nonsense that rapists don’t belong in prison. If anyone belongs there, it’s rapists.

And in the picture, they’re essentially walking advertisements for their husband/son-in-law/brother-in-law who chose their outfits, you know like their flesh and blood Barbie Dolls. Not long after the photo, they were bouncing around singing along to his song about how he “made that bitch famous”.

Mine is David Bowie. That crystal ball and magic staircase act did it for my 8 year old self in a big way. It also probably didn’t hurt that his make up was en flique. RIP Corey, Brad, and Bowie.

Not that I’ve qualified (...yet, in my sport age ain’t nothing but a number so I can wait until I’m 80 if I want) but as someone who was raised an elite athlete and is married to another former elite athlete, I would have been delighted to have a ring of gold to add to the medal.

I had Kate Jackson’s thin, fine hair, so I was stuck with her pageboy....

It’s because we’re not 100% on how to pronounce dengue.

Yes, do it in the ocean like normal people!

I hope Joe wears the “Barack” bracelet and Barack wears the “Joe” bracelet.

I am still so incredibly uncomfortable that I simultaneously have a crush on Joe Biden and want him to be my grandpa.

Yeah, I would honestly rather fly to another airport and take a bus than sit, unmoving, for that same amount of time. There is something about just SITTING there doing nothing that makes me feel slightly crazy.

Same as it ever was.

honestly it’s not good for the men either. except for a very select few, the rest are usually hungry and used by the prophet too. the cult is bad for everyone

My 6yo has a really over-sensitive bullshit detector. Because I bullshit her all the time and have since before she could talk. Now, I try to tell her something completely real (no really— the waves really truly are caused by the moon pulling on the earth), and she doesn’t believe me. I should maybe take it back a

But if your child should ever ask you about the Ghostface in the picture, just look at it and say, “sweetheart, there’s nothing in that photo with you.”