
Except the original rumor stated the reason already: they had to delay their first party launch game. Is there a reason that previously reported (by you!) info wasn’t included?

I would rather see a dozen more killmonger dread dos than another single generic protagonist crewcut

After Palworld, Pokémon Needs To Come Out Swinging”

But if you vote for Trump you are guaranteeing it. And at this point, if you don’t vote for Biden you may as well vote for Trump.

It’s not a pinball cabinet. It is an LCD screen turned vertically with a digital game on it.

i flip flop wildly. sometimes i REALLY like it cuz holding makes the weight behind the action like opening a heavy door or something feel more real, same with moving slowly thru tight spaces. but even i sometimes get impatient and wish there was a way to speed it up.

waiting for thirty seconds while Cloud sloooowly inches through a tight gap in the level

I know you’re gonna get some guff over this article being way more positive than John Walker’s review but I like that there isn’t a hive mind about having all material mirror the review.

This says: they remastered it well. The original review says

This certainly looks like the pinnacle of the ‘whale hunting’ F2P model. The ‘whales’ become ‘investors,’ giving them even greater degrees of control over direction and priorities, while everyone else mostly gets crapped on by them. So, yeah, F2P, but especially in this form, is wholly incompatible with player/worker

Interesting. Cuz if we’re going on “feels”, it “feels” like you ran into a few issues in the early days of the release that have since been patched. I ran into a couple of annoying Act 3 bugs on my initial playthrough but have played it twice since and had none of the same problems. I’ve had a literal huge amount of

I haven’t encountered any of these crazy bugs. I played the game 5-6 time start to end in different playthroughs.

I didn’t start playing it until December after it had seen multiple patches, and while I have encountered various glitches (from relatively minor to some fairly serious ones) and still do to this day (I’m just at the end of Act 2 now), all in all I’ve been extremely pleased with the experience. Perhaps the (well

They don’t have Blade, no. Marvel has those rights, they bought them back from New Line Cinema; Sony never had them. Spawn was also New Line Cinema, and I think the rights were always still held by Todd McFarlane. Again, nothing to do with Sony.

They were going to make an “El Muerto” film. A character I never heard before. I think he had like a quarter of a comic devoted to him. With Bad Bunny, for some reason.

I suspect Sony picked her for a movie 100% purely because she’s related to the whole Spider-verse comic event thing, and looks like the only option (within what they have rights to aka don’t have to share with Marvel) that could let them set up some big multi-part saga. Within the tight confines of “just Spider-man,

At this point I assume these movies must be some sort of producers level money grab.   Or whatever licensing agreement Sony has with Marvel requires releases constantly and they are just forced to put any script they have into production.

Want the best part of this? It is the same writer, the story is made by the same person that worked on Morbius. They literally rewarded mediocrity

You realize the Morbius Re-release is one of the greatest cases of a large corporation getting punked in the history of PR.

On top of that, red is a terrible color to draw attention to things when around 4% of people are colorblind.