
I would like to include the Kinect in my thesis, possibly with some custom software. Where is the best place to get started on learning about this?

I still wish there were a way to jump to the oldest unread item.

VOTE: Sumatra PDF

Look at this: they put the input right on topof the output!

You'd pick the Spanish-American War with 0.1% over the Persian Gulf War at 0.03%?

Any Windows 7 methods for this?

Great idea with the DIY white-board, I'll have to try this.

No option to lock the screen while on a call - I can't stand hitting buttons with my face.


The free version of this inserts an AD in the first page of the PDF. The paid version is $2.

@Caturday Yet?: I was wondering the same thing.. It's possible they used a wide-angle lens and digitally added the panning. On the scenes where they panned up vertically, the camera could have been in portrait.

I think "Location, location, location" was a Demetri Martin reference.