I feel that way looking at the MSRP of the base model. In fact, I feel that way looking at Ford’s whole lineup
I follow Railway Age for work and I’ve seen more optimistic headlines in hospice newsletters.
I may be one of the last people on the planet (save the mouthbreathing knuckledraggers who own MAGA hats) who thinks Trump might be smarter than he acts.
Enthusiasts may also be married to “average” car buyers. I certainly wouldn’t consider the same vehicles for my wife that I would for myself. For example, my wife drives an Outback with a 4 cyl engine. If this were my daily driver, no way would I have gotten the 4 over the 6.
Needed to buy a Suburban for his one kid on the way, duh.
I want it to get to the point where Lions fans feel sorry for them
The only option left is for it to be litigated in the Deadspin comments section
What would you do with a million-dollar signing bonus?
Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.
You never seem to hear about super competitive and ambitious people growing old and living long, happy, healthy lives. They always seem to self destruct in a mess of toxic behaviors and broken relationships.
Its been my experience that nothing good ever happens when you wait until the last minute to start pulling things out.
“One of the reasons she’s in agony is she has lost so much fat so quickly she has lost it in the soles of her feet.”
I totally agree!
The main sticking point with Artifact (which is expressed here, in my mind) is how much of a failure their model was, and they still refuse to acknowledge that it was an absolutely terrible model.
I was born in Toronto, but have live in the states for basically my whole life. Every time I go back I feel exactly this. Truly a bastion of multiculturalism. If every major city in America had an attitude a little more like Toronto it would be a much nicer place to be. I'm not really a Raps fan and I think Kawhi…
Ayesha Curry forfeited any kind of empathy when she went on her holier than thou slut-shaming tour. She made her own desexualized, I dont dress like other attention seeking hoes, ideal wife and mother, while I condescendingly judge other women bed, so she can lay in it. I’m not here for her humanity, continue to be the…
Good, can the Bruins get bounced in the next round and the Pats and Sox regress to the mean so I can stop dealing with these fucking insufferable Boston sports fans every day?