He was protecting some 20 year olds for messing up and he’s right that it really didn’t matter and kind of silly to be making a big deal about it.
He was protecting some 20 year olds for messing up and he’s right that it really didn’t matter and kind of silly to be making a big deal about it.
. . . the car was well maintained (as it should have been if it’s an old police cruiser).
you told your co-workers your birthday?
You got to know when to holdynewicz them and when to Foltynewicz them.
Used cars ARE cheaper than new cars. I wonder why companies even bother making new ones.
I think this will be amazing. Not for me personally, but for my kids and as something for me to do with them.
Good. Shiftable auto would be the most ideal for me anyway. All the fun of gears when the roads clear, and all the ease of being a drone when I’m in traffic Monday-Friday.
suckerdumped there weren’t we
Nah you taught that kid an important lesson: Life is cruel horseshit and you should use booze to cope.
“Suckerpunch” is an interesting word. I was always under the belief that a sucker punch was a punch thrown with no inclination that a punch or violence was coming. Like man walks up to other man with no communication and decks him. Or that a suckerpunch occurs when the receiver is blindsided by it. I’m not debating…
If you’ve gone to eight or so different dealerships and haven’t found one person that you could deal with, maybe, just maybe, the problem isn’t with the dealerships.
Men, we need to take responsibility for our actions BEFORE we die so that things like this don’t happen. That’s why I just sat my wife and children down on the couch and told them that when Daddy leaves their mother in a few years for a piece of hot young blond ass, there is NO WAY I will leave them out of my will.
The trick is that he told him he was signing a boxing contract.
I’m surprised they saw it.
The best way to get to the bottom of this is for me to rate all the starting quarterbacks from Tecmo Super Bowl.
I prefer my Swiffers without swollen anal glands.