Coach K also said that until the team started performing better he would also be forfeiting his paychecks stating that “it’s a team effort that starts with [him].”
Coach K also said that until the team started performing better he would also be forfeiting his paychecks stating that “it’s a team effort that starts with [him].”
I’m an American living in New Zealand and I’ve started “The Garden That Trump Frustration Built.” I have filled my yard with hundreds of carbon retention organisms and it looks great and helps me relieve the stress and anger I feel.
It’s interesting that the community will allow being an asshole in game, even shit talk, but after a match you dodge a handshake you’re suddenly the bigger asshole.
Yeah, I’m a white male and I’m pretty sure I don’t have any more power over Trump voters (or Trump) than black females do. If I did, I would more than happily wield it.
Why are we asking the good white people to be responsible for the bad white people? You shouldn’t be asking the good Muslims to be responsible for the bad Muslims.
Oh yeah? Well I ate TWO burritos last night and am only mildly still bloated so ha!
That’s why I never dunk. I totally could if I wanted to though.
one handed controllers also free up your other hand to do things like some light accounting work
*Sees Noah struggle mightily in the 1st year of a 4 year/72million contract*
Part of the NBA’s new “Trades for the sake of humor” campaign.
Now, now. There’s no reason the Rodgers can’t ALL be assholes.
Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.
I’m pretty sure we KNOW they are a bunch of assholes.
That’s not really fair, they are assholes when they are winning too.
These four years are going to be looooooong.
Reminds me of the last fight I got in. This guy at a bar was looking at me. So I said, “What the fuck you looking at asshole?” He looks at me and says, “Nothing.” I stood up. “Damn right, you better not be.” This guy had no business fucking with a guy like me, so I said, “ You have no business fucking with a guy like…
I’m 39, which means I am officially both old as balls and not a millennial, and I’ve been waiting for them to do something about the end of NBA games since I got back into the sport fourteen years ago. Blaming it on attention spans is ludicrous. The back-and-forth fouling at the end of games has been an obvious…
He must have been ecstatic after the Finals last season!
The Warriors didn’t come out to play last night.
Agreed. There’s three things I thought Mafia III did right: the driving, the soundtrack, and those directional arrows that appeared like street signs telling you when to turn.