
Oh yeah, one time when I was drivin’. This squirrel ran out in the street and I ran over him, and he didn’t die right then but he was limpin’ and stuff. I’m pretty sure he died right after that

If you switch the numbers in this chart, it applies to Russell Wilson instead

No matter how this game ends, never forget Pete Carroll is a 9/11 truther piece of shit. Fuck that guy.

I despise Trump with every fiber of my being. But if Trump was running against Coach K, I kill myself instead of voting.

Good. Fuck these guys.

Good thing that game didn’t have Dick Vitale announcing because God knows how long he would have harped on a bad call against Duke.

No snark, no smarm. All the best to him.

If they gave us the option to filter out one line reviews, that’d be a massive help.

My son was prone to demanding that we not look at him back when he was a toddler. I guess what I’m saying is maybe Bumgarner was just pooping his pants.

Other teams that will wear white include the Browns

Just another instance of Gandhi dropping all the nukes!


I feel like this Calvin and Hobbes panel is the best way to describe the 2016 Olympics.

Another way to make them “rare and special” is to not allow people to buy a theoretically unlimited number of lootboxes with real money.

Marvel Heroes feels like the sequel to Marvel Ultimate Alliance that I always wanted currently. Not sure I want to go back to MUA.

Half Life 3 confirmed!!