
If you are a fan of advanced stats you could say the Rams offensive line failed and Gurley was exactly who he has been all season.  Personally I think it is McVay’s fault for not having a backup plan.

I am confused on why the general consensus is that the game was bad. Are we, as a whole, really that enamored with offense that we cannot appreciate the defensive game that just happened?  This was not a bad football game, it was a great defensive game.  

Wonder if his nephew is still jacking homers.

Really reaching with this advertorial.

I made it through 26 seconds, what do I win?

Speaking of Office Space, I always thought you were the “O face" guy until quite recently.

Last I checked you could carry over your player in the MLB The Show series into future editions. 

Winter =/= off-road or snowy conditions for that matter.

After the Lions got that pick six i looked at my wife and said “it only goes downhill from here”. I love that that was my first thought after a perfect start.   

Someone told me there was good coaching tips here.

I have a love hate relationship with wildlife in my yard. On one hand Ilike seeing rabbits in the morning. On the other hand it sucks having to walk the yard looking for nests before I mow.

I appreciate this because like it or not Dan Gilbert is the leader of the Cavs and he has set the appropriate tone for Lebron's departure.  But on a personal note and as someone who is from Michigan...fuck Dan Gilbert.

This reads like someone who is mad they cannot afford to do the same.

Vodkain a plastic jug made me legit belly laugh.

Now playing

I’m uploading the parts that have interaction if you don’t want to watch 99% of nothing. Currently sitting at 11 uploads.

Any clouds you would like to yell at while you have the complaint jar open?

I think that’s the same cow.

I take legit solace in knowing I’m a Lions and not a Browns fan.