@Jose Avito Mari Tuzon: Because commanders are supposed to have exit strategies. They give a shit about their casualty rate.
@Jose Avito Mari Tuzon: Because commanders are supposed to have exit strategies. They give a shit about their casualty rate.
Awesome game...but I want the sequel instead.
Wait, so is she just grabbing random police officers and soldiers, and using their bodies for suicide attacks before discarding them for another?
What the I don't even...?
@kazooie: You have to kind of read between the lines. It's the same powers that Iron Man has.
I want Batman's superpowers: Time control and immortality.
@yanipheonu: lol japan.
Doesn't really work:
@KamWrex: You're not alone.
I like the look of the character. It's a little emo sure, but it's unusual enough to be interesting.
Damn, those guys can make games.
I've heard this sort of comment quite a few times, and I think it's from the same guy?
Dude, awesome.
Because when you buy stuff at a bankruptcy auction, you get it at an amazing price.
I will not like to leave people behind. Not because I particularly care about them, but because the completionist in me feels obliged to get them all.
That's pretty sweet. The no-kill path is my preferred way of playing through stealth-based games.
Wow, that 4-man explosive spin was pretty goddamn sweet.
@Acheron: Yup, and I love L4D as well. But if you've played both, you should be able to recognize the significant differences in gameplay and pacing.