
This looks like ridiculous fun.

At least in Metal Gear Rising you can actually cut things instead of pounding them with a lightsaber for what feels like forever.

They really shouldn't have hijacked a respected franchise for their game's name.

Not a single real game in their entire launch line-up. That's not a good sign...

Sounds interesting, but I can tell you this: I do NOT want a bunch of idiots tooling around in my house diving sideways.

@Suzaku: Yeah, I see now, MGS games often take place in hot places, and heat makes air "rise".

@SavageReindeer: Y'know, I'd forgive "Reach" since at least the colon-title is relevant to the setting of the game and serves as a differentiator. I'd needle the franchise for the stupid ":Combat Evolved" colon-title instead.

Because every game is better with generic colon-titling!

I hope the market for Kinect games won't turn into the 3rd party development wasteland that is the Wii market.

That's a shame. AC has a wonderfully realized game world. Too bad he's leaving.

I was wondering who he was myself, those two guys did a pretty sweet job of making the fight look good.

Looks like an interesting game, but the only thing it has in common with X-Com is that the enemies are apparently not-of-this-world (which is true of hundreds of games anyway).

Bought one as soon as it became available in stores.

Jesus christ that was too damned long.

This is Call of Duty, it's always been pure hollywood, why would anyone think otherwise? It sells a Michael Bay presentation style and does it quite well.

@BOBarker1: Ditto. I feel the need to have the screen inches from my face at all times.

Yeah I see a difference.

@Y-bot: Yeah, I'm not sure why, but I enjoyed it too.

Finally! Paxton Fettel was the good guy in FEAR 1 and I was pissed that they forced you to shoot your brother in the head when he asks you for help.