I've known this for a long time, because it's a phenomenon common to all FPS games.
I've known this for a long time, because it's a phenomenon common to all FPS games.
@cihx: Singleplayer has a stronger incentive for DRM since pirates can easily extract the full experience. Plus since there's less replay value, some people are less willing to spend money and more willing to pirate.
Sure, there's no need to include your sexual orientation in your gamertag or profile.
@EB-Hawk: No shame admitting that, Saints Row 2 was more true to core GTA game design than GTAIV. GTAIV just lost sight of it's roots in wacky care-free acts of mayhem.
@PhatsMahoney: I liked Tali the most as well.
@cyruss: It would be pretty effed up to have Tali die from an STD contracted from Shepard. Especially after all that talk about immune system boosters and supplements.
Most people's first reaction will be that the graphics look bland.
Is anybody else sick of tacky and generic "colon" titles like Redemption or Rising or Requiem.
If getting an enemy to surrender involves more skill than killing them, implement a meter to track how many you've gotten.
@VichusSmith: It's all about how well you play him.
It looks great in a short clip, but remember that this was being made with the "musou" formula in mind.
@mordennight: MS does not allow free DLC. They require that developers charge you for it. They made some exceptions earlier on, but this has more or less ended.
That pic makes me ask myself uncomfortable questions.
Can someone enlighten me as to the appeal of this franchise? All I know is that it originally featured pornographic content and ended up lauded for it's story.
World's deadliest pole-dancers would make a great addition to the Discovery Channel.
*whistles* 80% faster AND 25% more damage!