
A Roomba. Our dog doesn't like to ride it so money down the toilet. :(

It's so interesting that if they didn't like a ruler after they were gone they just erased them from history. The monuments where names have been chiseled off always make me wonder what else we are missing from that time period. Fascinating stuff.

In general most of the world media, doesn't shy away from graphic stuff. It is mostly American news that are afraid of showing anything too strong for the viewers.

I loved Wishbone, RIP little guy.

A recruiting? Or a culling? Get rid of the competition before they're competition.

I loved "In Search of..." when I was a kid. I couldn't separate Nemoy from Spock, and his calm (logical) voice made it all more believable.

Am I wrong to think the oceans don't get much lover? Each video or picture I see fills me with awe

Poor as the movie itself was, you could not take your eyes off Jolie, she just sucked you in with her performance and was the key reason to watch.

This guy looks so awesome. The hair, the suit, the pocket thing, the white tie, those creases. Just looks sharp man.

It is by no means the BEST movie of its era, but it was fun and the soundtrack was nice. Besides the others are taken already.

Did anybody else know that something like this existed? This was a total shocker to me, and I want one!

We don't. As a mother of two beautiful Black/Dominican boys, I am constantly in fear that they may meet the same fate. Their father and I have had to add "always carry identification and our contact information" and "this is what you do if you ever get stopped by a police officer" to our curriculum of childhood

I guess I basically do that too. The only problem for me is that I like the booze and booze = calories. If only my boss would let me drink during the work day...

So viewed, the record reveals that in July 1997, Roorda attempted to try to "cover" for another police officer by filing a report that contained false statements as to what happened during a suspect's apprehension and arrest.   As a result of this false report, all charges against the defendant involved were dropped,

Maybe once every two weeks I just wash with apple cider vinegar and baking soda (not much!) and that's it.

Listen, if you can put a penis in it, on it or near it, some dude somewhere has sexualized it. (which is no disrespect to dudes without penises or women with penises, it's just most of this behaviour is localized in dudes born with penises).

"yer-a-wizard trope" is my new bag, baby

Sadly, that's what the USA thinks the USA is...