
Instead of discontinuing slave Leia, why not create pretty male characters in cod pieces and/or g-string outfits? Like the force we must have balance.

This is going to leave a strange taste in many a mouth, but I really would like to see Wes Anderson do a take on Jem. In the line of the album “I Wish I Were A Carpenter”, I would love to see a bunch of Directors make a short movie on their take on Jem :)

Noted. I am not an Astronomer but even I can tell the difference between, “The Earth is round” and “Your tits are round” research.

Why let “!” happen, when you can use “.”

I know of the Streisand Effect, never heard of this. Am I doing it right?


Looks, smells, tastes like Penny Dreadful. And yes, YES I would :)

Is he the reason we now Cerf the internet?

Choosing to design around the very item or items they hate happened so often. I know that if a person said they were arachnophobic the designer would design their dining room with an eight-legged dining table with eight; eight legged dining chairs a web-themed ceiling fixture and googly eyes on everything. I

Eel productivity has increased but mucous has decrease. There must always be a balance.

Also its impossible to spread STDs if everyone had an STD.

In the summer yes, but in fall not.

YAHOOO! I took this a couple months ago!

Future epidemic of marrying cousins?

So when I go to a wine store do I ask for Orange Wine or is there another name this goes by?

Im more excited about that shy tribble resting on her head :)

YUCK! I remember this from MySpace (Double YUCK). I would have to bitch out friends for their excessive use of these that would slow down my computer or even freeze it.


YAHOOO! I love Gay Botany :)

ARGH! Just when the beaches officially close here in NY. I really like this idea.